Saturday, August 31, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay

With Illegal immigrants entering the United States daily, attention grows as to what should be done about it. Illegal immigrants who enter the United States and build lives here ultimately affect our economy and society. On one side of the debate, you have those who believe all illegal immigrants should be deported. No exceptions should be made and citizenship should be required to enter the borders of the United States. On the other side, why not give illegal immigrants a chance? Allow them to earn rights in the United States and eventually gain citizenship. Serious debate continues over what reforms should be made to our nation’s Immigration laws. With a vision of more secure borders, there are those who see illegal immigration completely unacceptable. This side argues that Illegal immigrants be given no status in the United States. Those who share this point of view often times share similar reasons as well. Many middle class jobs, available to legal United States citizens, are being swept up by illegals. Illegal immigrants are using falsified documents to gain access to such jobs. It’s not fair that legal citizens who are looking for jobs face competition against illegal immigrants. Their use of fake social security numbers to authenticate documents causes issues to tax brackets and government assistance programs. Government assistance, only intended for use by citizens in need, is being utilized by illegal immigrants. As well as wanting to keep government agencies from being utilized by wrong parties, safety is a strong reason for wanting more secure borders. With thousands of immigrants making the attempt into the U nited States daily, it is impossible to filter out violent offenders and other criminals from non- criminals. This is what scares many American citizens into wanting completely shut borders. You just don’t know who is entering the U.S. Without the ability to screen everyone who enters the U.S., and regulate the number of immigrants entering the U.S., this side will continue to vote for closed borders. On the contrary though, commonly in tune with ideals that our nation was founded by immigrants, there are those who see reform is necessary for the United States. America has been known as the land of opportunity for centuries. Why not allow everyone a chance to prosper? Immigrants bring and have brought new ideas to our country for centuries. Every day they form a functioning part of our society as well as economy. Although some view it wrong for illegal aliens to receive government assistance, they contribute to taxes as well. With dreams of bettering one’s life, immigrants usually come to the U.S. with strong work ethics and hopes to prosper. Blamed for the shortages in jobs, Illegal immigrants seem to fill the holes in society that legal citizens haven’t already filled. With them they bring values of their own cultures. This helps distill more values of culture into our own. Creating a more diverse country can help everyone feel more like they fit in. Illegal immigr ants, with dreams of citizenship in the U.S., should be given the chance. Reform in our government should allow more eligibility for those trying to gain citizenship. Opportunity should be accessible to everyone. With illegal immigration often debated by those with strict agendas, it is easy to see certain points of view are missed. Noted historically as â€Å"one big melting pot†, The United States was originally founded by immigrants. Most â€Å"Americans† today are descendants of immigrants who came to the U.S. hoping to find opportunity, the same as immigrants today. The United States should honor that many illegal immigrants see it as the land of opportunity. Citizenship here should not be a dream held out of reach for so many. Immigrants bring diversity to new nations. Government reforms concerning both sides can be made. Changes that not only allow more opportunity to those looking in, but strengthen and secure our border’s as well. Consideration from both sides of the debate is necessary in trying to find solutions to the immigration problems our nation faces today. Debate over whether our borders be accessible or left shut will continue as long as people try to cross them. There will always be those radically opposed to immigration as will there always be those for it. With chances  slim of immigration into the U.S. slowing down, parties will have to form necessary common grounds in order to preserve the integrity of our nation. Security for the U.S. will always be the main factor in how our reform pans out. It should never be forgotten though that this is the land of opportunity, built by those who came by boat. Only views of equality can fix the issues tying up our immigration reform. Work Cited Brooks, Philip. â€Å"Timeline.† Immigration. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2004. 44. Print â€Å"Illegal Immigration.† Illegal Immigration. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013 â€Å"Immigration – What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America?† ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Smith, James P., and Barry Edmonston. â€Å"Historical Background and Current Immigration Issues.† The Immigration Debate: Studies on the Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. Washington, D.C.: National Academy, 1998. 289-310. Print. West, Darrell M. â€Å"Shifting Public Opinion.† Brain Gain: Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010. 107-26. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Evolution of bullying Essay

Bullying behavior has been continuously changing over the years. Different forms of bullying have emerged and they continue to develop and be used in the schools. Technology has played a very big role in the evolution of the behavior. The first forms of bullying that have existed over the years included both direct and indirect methods that were used in the practice. The methods continue to be in use till today but have been evolved by the use of technology. Name calling was one of the types of bullying that were used by the bullies on the victims (Stanffordshire, n.d). The victims were given certain names that were intended to humiliate them and lower their self esteem. The method has since evolved and is in use in more places rather than just in schools. Physical bullying has also evolved from the physical injuries that were inflicted on the victims and it has included theft as a method that is used to involve threats and lead to the violence. Social isolation that was once used to make the victims stay alone without friends and was experienced by children of all age groups has evolved to also include homophobic isolation. Homophobic isolation is the type of isolation that is practiced by the bullies on the children who are termed as gay or they are seen to be gay (Stanffordshire, n. d). It also includes those seen to be bisexual or they portray characteristics that make them seem to be associated with the opposite sex. It is being practiced in the secondary schools and higher levels of education. The method is normally spread through the social websites through gossip and in other websites. One form of bullying that has emerged in schools involves the abuse that is directed on children who are of different races and cultures. This form of bullying has been growing over the years with cases being reported that show the increase. The cases also show that the bullying is also changing according to the different age groups. 25% of children of age 8 were seen to be bullied more compared to the children who were 5 years who only made 20% of the overall cases in that age group (Stanffordshire, n. d). Cyber bullying is the latest and most commonly used form of bullying in the schools today. It continues to evolve with the changes in technology. It uses text messages, emails and various posts on websites as a way of bullying. Studies show that over 20% of young people in schools who are between the ages of 11 and 19 have been bullied through this form of bullying (Stanffordshire, n. d). The children in the schools today are growing up in a different technological world that is very different from that of the adults. They have experienced information and technological developments that they are now using to evolve the bullying practice. The environment in the technological world is becoming threatening and is creating anxiety among the children. They are misusing the technology especially the mobile and internet to bully others. Over 22% of young people have been reported to carry out cyber bulling (Digizen, n. d). They are able to carry out the whole practice remaining anonymous to the victim. This form of bullying has made it possible for the bullies to carry out the practice at any time or place (Digizen, n. d). Effects of Bullying There are various consequences that are seen to arise from the practice of bullying. Students who are seen to bully others tend to carry the practice out of school and they tend to get involved in criminal activities and they experience a lot of legal trouble in their adulthood. They maintain this behavior even in the workplaces negatively affecting their ability to develop relationships that are positive. A study has proven that 60% of the students who were bullies when they were in grade 6-9 were convicted of a crime by the age of 24 (Banks, 1997). The bullies are also prone other problematic behaviors such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. Victims of bullying tend to be very unhappy while in schools and they end up getting depressed and have low self esteem (Wright, 2003). Their school work is affected and they may choose to remain at home instead of going to school. They tend to isolate themselves from social activities that involve the schools and this makes them even lonelier. The loneliness and depression may lead them to commit suicide. This is particularly in the cases of emotional bullying where the emotions are targeted by the bullies. The victims also have difficulties when forming relationships in the future. The by standers who witness the bullying also get affected by it. They are not able to stop the bullying or help out the victim even though he or she may be their friend. Some are usually afraid of becoming the next victim so they end up avoiding confronting the bully. Others on the other hand may be of the opinion that the victim deserved the bullying (Sampson, 2002). They may actively get involved by teasing and ostracizing the victim and motivating the bully. They may also feel less accountable for the actions that are going on when they are in a group. Hence they do not feel the urge to help the victim. Role of Teachers and School Administrators Teachers and school administrators have a role to play in preventing bullying in the schools and making the schools a safe haven free from any bullying activities. They should first be aware of the existence of the problem so that they can develop measures to intervene. The teachers can help detect the existence of the practice and encourage the victims of bystanders to speak out. The interventions that are developed should be able to include the whole school and not intimidate the bullies or the victims either (Olweus, n. d). Teachers and the school administrators can also help identify the areas that are used by the bullies to attack the victims since they mostly do so in private and hidden areas. They should therefore eliminate the existence of such areas within the school’s compound. They can also involve the students to develop rules within the classrooms that are against the behavior. To increase awareness of the problem to the parents, the school administrators should develop parent teacher days to make the parents aware of the problem’s existence and the importance of the parents to get involved in the whole process (Sampson, 2002).

The Dishonesty of Honest People

Focus on two mechanisms that people employ to maintain their positive self-concept: digitization and attention to standards. 2. Overview of Theory and Hypothesis Theory†. The theory of self-concept maintenance suggests that people typically act dishonestly and achieve external benefits from said acts, but only to the extent that their behavior stills allows them to maintain a positive view of themselves in terms of being honest. Hypothesis: The stuffs main hypothesis stems from the theory of self- concept maintenance (explained above). People facing this motivational dilemma – gaining from cheating vs.. Maintaining a positive self-concept as honest individuals – tend to solve it adaptively by finding a balance between he two motivating forces. They do so in order to acquire some financial benefit from behaving dishonestly while still maintaining their positive self- concept. 1 . The band of acceptable dishonesty is limited by internal reward considerations. 2. The size of this band depends on one's ability to categorize actions as something other than dishonest, as well as the attention that they pay to their standards for honesty at the time of the dishonest act.Although there may be many ways to find such a compromise, the study focuses on two particular means; categorization and attention to standards. Categorization: The study explains, ‘When this mechanism is activated, people can categorize their actions in more compatible terms, find rationalizations for their actions, and ultimately avoid triggering any negative self-signals that might affect their self-concept, which will therefore not get updated†. Two important aspects of categorization are its relative ease and its limit. The exact ease/difficult of an act is typically defined by its context.The study uses the following example – â€Å"Intuition suggests that it is easier to steal a OIC pencil from a friend than to teal OIC out of this friend's wallet to buy a pencil, because the former scenario offers more possibilities to categorize the action in terms that are compatible with friendship (he took a pencil from me once; this is what friends do). † It also suggests that one's ability to categorize acts has a limit beyond which people can no longer deny their obvious wrongdoings. The study seeks to define said threshold.Attention to Standards: When people are mindful Of their own moral standards any dishonest action is more likely to be reflected in their self- concept (they will update their self-concept as a consequence of their actions), which in turn will cause them to adhere to a stricter definition of an honest and a dishonest act. However, when individuals are not mindful of their own moral standards their actions are not measured relative to them, and therefore their self-concept is less likely to be updated, and their behavior is likely to diverge from their standards.Thus, the attention to standards mechanism predicts that in cases in which ones moral standards are more accessible, people will have to confront the meaning of their actions more readily and therefore be more honest. SUMMARY PHI: Dishonesty will increase as individuals pay less attention to their own standards for honesty. PH: Dishonesty will increase when individuals face situations that are more easily categorized in honesty-compatible terms. PH: Given the opportunity to be dishonest, individuals will be dishonest up to a level that does not force them to update their self-concept. . Overview of Methodology Experiment 1: Moral Reminder Two hundred twenty-nine students participated in this experiment, which consisted of a two-task paradigm as part of a broader experimental session with multiple, unrelated paper-and-pencil tasks that appeared together in a toilet. 1 . In the first task, respondents were asked to either write down the names of 10 books they had read in high school (no moral reminder) or the Ten Commandments (moral remind er). They had two minutes to complete this task. . In the second task each student received two sheets of paper: a test sheet and an answer sheet. The test sheet consisted of 20 matrices. Participants had four minutes in which to find two numbers per matrix that added up to 10. Experiment 2: Honor Code Two hundred seven students participated in this experiment. Two factors between participants were manipulated: the amount earned per correctly loved matrix (ICC and $2) and the attention to standards (control, recycle, recycle+honor code). 1.The control and recycle conditions were identical to those in the previous experiment, except this time, the experimenter paid each participant, and the task lasted five minutes. 2. The recycle+honor code condition was similar to the recycle condition except that respondents were asked to sign a statement appearing at the top of the test sheet that read: â€Å"l understand that this short survey falls under Mitt's [Yale's] honor system†; be low the statement, participants printed and signed their names.Thus, the nor code statement appeared on the same sheet as the matrices, and this sheet was recycled before participants submitted their answer sheets. Experiment 3: Token Exchange Four hundred fifty students participated in this experiment. Participants had five minutes to complete this task and were promised SOC for each correctly solved matrix. Three be;en-subjects conditions were used: the control and recycle conditions that we used in Experiment 2, and a recycle+token condition.The latter condition was similar to the recycle condition, except that participants knew that each correctly solved matrix would earn them 1 ken, which they would exchange for ICC a few seconds later. When the five minutes ended, participants in the recycle+token condition recycled their test sheet and submitted only their answer sheet to an experimenter, who gave them the corresponding number of tokens. Participants then went to a second exp erimenter, who exchanged the tokens for money (this experimenter also paid the participants in the control and recycle conditions).Experiment 4: Four-Task Paradigm Forty-four students participated in this experiment, which consisted of a four- task paradigm-?a matrix task, a personality test, a prediction task, and a second matrix task. 1 . Matrix 1: The same control and recycle conditions Of the matrix task from Experiment 2 were repeated. Participants randomly assigned to either of these two conditions had five minutes to complete the task and received SOC per correctly solved matrix.The only difference from Experiment 2 was that all participants (notes those in the recycle condition) were asked to report how many matrices they had solved correctly. Participants in the control condition submitted both the test and the answer sheets to the experimenter, who verified their answers. Those in the recycle notation recycle their test and just handed in their answers. 2. Personality Test : 10-item tests were handed out, and embedded in these tests was two questions related to self-definition as it relates to honesty.One question asked how honest a person they considered themselves to be on a scale from O (not at all) to 100 (very). The other question asked participants how they thought of themselves at the time of the survey in contrast to the day before in terms of being a moral person on a scale from -5 (much worse) to 5 (much better). 3. Prediction Task: Participants would next participate in a second vive-minute matrix task. Before taking part in it their task was to predict how many matrices they would be able to solve and indicate how confident they were with their predictions on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 100 (very).Before making these predictions, it was made clear to participants that the next matrix task left no room to over-claim as the experimenter would check the results. Furthermore, participants were informed that this second test would consist of a different set of matrices, and the payment would depend on both the accuracy of their prediction and their performance. If their prediction was 00% accurate, they would earn ICC per correctly solved matrix, but for each matrix they solved more or less than what they predicted, their payment per matrix would be reduced by C.The experimenter emphasized that this payment scheme meant that it was in their best interests to be as accurate as possible in their predictions and to solve as many matrices as they could. 4. Matrix 2: The final task was the matrix task (as in the control condition) with a different set of numbers. The entire experiment thus represented a two- condition, between-subjects design, differing only in the first matrix task possibility to cheat).The three remaining tasks (a personality test, a prediction task, and a second matrix task) were the same for all participants. Experiment 5 One hundred eight students participated in this experiment. Two factors were manip ulated between participants: the ability to cheat (control and recycle, as in Experiments 2 and 3) and beliefs about the number of matrices that the average student solves in the time allotted (four matrices, which is the accurate number, or eight matrices which was an exaggeration).As before, the DVD was the number of matrices reported solved. Experiment 6 This experiment entailed multiple, small sessions, in which each participant sat in a private booth (total of 326 participants). The first part of the procedure remained the same for all four conditions, but the second part varied. All participants received a test with 50 multiple-choice, general knowledge questions, had 15 minutes to answer the questions, and were promised OIC for each question they solve correctly.After the 15 minutes, participants received a â€Å"bubble sheet' onto which to transfer their answers. The manipulation of the four conditions pertained to the type of bubble sheet ND to what participants had to do with it after transferring their answers. 1 Control: Participants received a standard bubble sheet. When they finished transferring their answers, they handed both the test and the bubble sheet to the experimenter who checked their answers, summed the number of correct answers, and paid them. 2.No-recycle (first cheating condition): The bubble sheet had the correct answers pre-marked, which prompted a dilemma for participants when they faced a question they had answered incorrectly on their test sheet; they could be honest and mark the corresponding incorrect ricer on the bubble sheet or be dishonest and mark the correct circle. After participants finished transferring their answers, they summed up the number of their correct answers, wrote that number at the top of the bubble sheet, and handed both the test and the bubble sheet to the experimenter, who paid them according to their self-summed score.In this condition, subjects could cheat with some risk that the experimenter might d iscover it if she compared the test to the bubble sheet. 3. Recycle (second cheating condition): This condition was similar to the no-recycle condition, with the preference that participants were instructed, after transferring their answers to the pre-marked bubble sheet, to walk to a shredder, shred their original test sheet, and take only the bubble sheet to the experimenter, at which point they would be paid accordingly. Because of the shredding, this condition offered a lower probability of being caught cheating. 4.Recycle+ (third cheating condition): This condition decreased the probability of being caught even further by instructing participants to shred both their test sheet and the bubble sheet, walk over to a large jar with money at the corner of the room, ND take the amount they earned. In addition, by making the payment â€Å"self; service†, the recycle+ condition eliminated any interactions with the experimenter, thereby decreasing social concerns with cheating. 4 . Main Findings 1. Given the opportunity, people will engage in dishonest behaviors. 2. Increasing attention to internal honesty standards decreases the tendency for dishonesty. . Allowing more flexible categorization increases the tendency for dishonesty. 4. The magnitude of dishonesty is largely insensitive to either the expected external benefits or costs associated with dishonest acts. 5. People know that their actions are dishonest but do not update their self- concepts. 5. Application Economics: â€Å"The theory we propose can in principle be incorporated into economic models. Some formalization related to our theory appears in recent economic theories of utility minimization based on models of self-signaling (Abdomen and Propel 2001 ) and identity (Bnabob and Triple 2004, 2006).These recent approaches convey a slowly spreading conviction among economists that to study moral and social norms, altruism, reciprocity, or antisocial behavior, we must understand the underlying psy chological titivation that vary endogenously with the environment. These models can be adopted to account for self-concept maintenance by incorporating categorization and attention: increasing attention to personal standards for honesty (meta-utility function and salience parameter s 1, respectively) and flexibility for categorization (interpretation function and probability 1-0, respectively).The data presented herein offer further guidance on the development of such models. In our minds, the interplay between these formal models and the empirical evidence we provide represents a fruitful and promising research direction. Psychology: â€Å"Some insights regarding the functional from in which the external and internal rewards work together emerge from the data, and these findings also could provide useful paths for further investigations in both economics and psychology. For example, the results in Experiment 6 showed that increasing the level of external costs (probability of bein g caught) did not decrease the level of dishonesty.This finding raises the possibility of a relationship that appears like a step function in which dishonesty up to a certain level is trivial, but beyond that threshold, it takes on a more serious, ND costly, meaning. † 6. Limitations of Research 1 . Arguably, at some point at which the external rewards become very high, they should tempt the person sufficiently to prevail (because the reward is much larger than the internal costs), such that ultimately behavior would be largely influenced by external rewards. 2.Another important applied speculation involves the medium experiment. As society moves away from cash, and electronic exchanges become more prevalent, mediums are rapidly increasing in the economy. Again, if we take the results at face value, we should pay particular attention to dishonesty in hose new mediums (e. G. , backdating stocks), because they provide opportunities for under-the-radar dishonesty. Another interes ting observation is that the medium experiment did not only allow people to cheat more, but it also increased the level of maximal cheating.In the medium experiment we observed 24 participants who cheated maximally, which indicated that the tokens not only allowed people to elevate their acceptable magnitude of dishonesty but also liberated some participants from the shackles of their morality altogether. â€Å"When we consider the applied implications of these results, we must emphasize that our findings stem from experiments not with criminals but with students at elite universities, people who likely will play important roles in the advancement of this country and who seem a lot like us and others we know.The prevalence of dishonesty among these people and the finding that on an individual level, the magnitude of dishonesty was typically somewhat honest rather than completely dishonest suggests that we have tapped into what common, everyday behavior is about. As Gladstone and Ch in (1993) conclude, people seem to be moral relativists in their everyday lives.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An investigation into the potential impact of using a different Dissertation

An investigation into the potential impact of using a different approach of people management and its possible benefits in impro - Dissertation Example ually helps to improve the overall organizational performance has been argued a lot. Organization around the world has now understood that employees are the biggest asset. Likewise the attitude and performance of the employees can act as a decisive factor for the success and failure of a venture. Various studies often shed light on the fact that management of people or people management is the most difficult task for an organization (Bach, 2005). The term people management can be simply referred to as the management of human resources of an organization. It encompasses various tasks such as hiring, training and management, providing support to the employees and also controlling the workforce. Moreover the specified tasks are hiring, administration, communication, organization development, compensation, safety, wellness, benefits, performance management, employee motivation and training. In this context according to some eminent scholars, the key requirements towards the success of an organization are highly dependent on the commitment levels, management dedications as well as the performance of the employees of the organization. 1.1 Introduction to the Study The study will entail various performance management tools and will also highlight different techniques of people management. Furthermore the report will give insights to the topics pertaining to people management in an organization. It will be segmented into five sections. The first section will define the important concepts and will offer a brief overview of the company. Furthermore the research objective along with the research questions will be also presented. The second section of the project will be the literature review of the area of study. In this context, the study will describe earlier works of the scholars in the field of people management. In addition books and scholarly articles will be also consulted. The sources that will be used to accomplish the study include electronic sources, books, and journal articles. The third segment will portray the research methodology. The methodology to be followed for a conducting the study will be illuminated. In this context of the study, both primary as well as secondary data will be collected. The instruments to be used for collecting the primary data are questionnaire and focus group interviews. The questionnaire survey is meant for the employees of BeechWood, while the focus group interview is meant for the HR executives and managers of Beechwood Company. The fourth section will be about analyzing the data. The recorded data will be analyzed and meaningful information will be provided. Both qualitative as well as

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bereavement Support Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bereavement Support Group - Essay Example I have a husband and 2 other children (ages 8 & 6). Im shocked, I feel sad, lonely, and isolated, especially being away from my country and my family. Im struggling in my studies and also being forced to continue to deal with everyday life once again as if nothing had happened. Through my exploration, research and groups I am able to present what I have found among those dealing with the grief process and support groups. Support groups commonly were found to share certain traits and built on certain underlying principles and theories while also allowing freedom to stray from those boundaries set by society and prior studies as to what is expected and what the actuality of the situation is. Backgrounds among those who participated in one group study included nursing, social work, counseling, pastoral care, and genetics (Supiano, & Vaughn-Cole, 2011). Foundation of trust is key to any support group; establishing & maintaining trust is directly related to the leader & the leader’s style, ability to communicate and also their sensitivity to each within the group and where they are in the healing process. Group facilitators are educated in numerous ways and come from many professions. They must be able to utilize open ended question to draw out members to share. Previous experience with death, grief, bereavement, and loss are important. Many group leaders have themselves experienced grief and loss. Health care setting students who participated in and organized a group were comprised of 80% who had person prior direct experience with grief and loss. Chronic sorrow can result when there are no coping mechanisms learned, it is persuasive, misunderstood and usually a continuing and resurgent grief. Though it more often related to a long term illness or dementia there is also persistent cases in those who have found no closure. Chronic sorrow is instigated by trauma and events such as the loss of a child and bereavement are very traumatic experiences (Roos,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 18

Business law - Essay Example This move to liquidate the company led to the case at hand since the unsecured creditors claimed that the company did not clear its debts before it became insolvent. Salomon claimed that he did not owe anyone since the company is a separate legal person as indicated in the company rules thus no shareholder is responsible for any debts of the company. The creditors filed a case against Salomon claiming that although the company had been incorporated Salomon held almost all the shares thus he should be responsible for the debts by the company. The court discredited these assumptions since the incorporation was proper and abide by the company’s rule thus the number of shareholders did not change the fact that this was a limited company and no longer a sole proprietorship. This was one of the most heated cases at the close of the 19th century, but Lord Mac-Naghten claimed that the law governing the limited companies had to be followed. He stated that in any company’s liquidation, the creditors should be given preferential claims of assets but since this was not the case in the liquidation of the company. The law at the time did not state anything of the sort, and the debenture holders had claimed everything from the liquidation (Campbell, 2007). This rule is under Companies Act section 6 formed in 1862. It claims that seven or more people can join and form a company under it. This rule was made to end frauds from unregistered limited companies (Campbell, 2007). This law states that a limited company is a separate legal person can sue or be sued. This means that any malicious activity or fraud cases associated with the company, the plaintiff can only sue the company but not the shareholders. The company is also mandated to sue anyone violating its rights, since this rule has made it an artificial person who is recognized by the law. Over the years, the Companies Act has been amended to ensure that the shareholders and directors of the companies

Monday, August 26, 2019

E portfolio assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

E portfolio assignment - Essay Example Accordingly, skulls are divided into three categories. The mammals like sheep, pigs, cows and horses have non-primate skulls. Baboon, Gorilla and Chimpanzee belongs to non-human primate skulls. The third category, called hominid skulls details the shape, size and other known parameters of human skulls.(NS 201, p87) The study of historical components of life within the scope of Biology relates to biodiversity. In addition, the recent space research results have aroused the interest of many scientists to study the possibility of existence of life, in planets beyond earth, like Mars, Saturn or some moons of Jupiter. Such studies are called â€Å"exo-biology†.(NS 201, p34) Many species of animals and human beings have common characteristics in their structures that show the similarities of their organisms. Accordingly, Homology relates to studies in this direction. For example, many similarities are found in the structure of human skeleton and that of a chimpanzee. Many animals from a common ancessetor inherit the basic vertebrate â€Å"body plan†, although they may have distantly related organisms. Such animals have homologous skeleton structures.(NS 201, p51) According to Darwin, natural selections are slow and dependant on the environmental changes. Hence, these may not be observable during the lifetime of any scientist. Accordingly, these mechanisms are studied with the help of simulations, using different methods like directional, stabilizing and disruptive selection models.(NS 201,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Drug Abuse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Drug Abuse - Research Paper Example Another case of the youths doing drugs is the underage children who copy drugs and substance abuse from their peer, guardians, and parents. They do not engage in drugs because they are out of options, but rather they engage in drugs just for the fun of it, in which case they consume copious amounts of drugs just to relax their bodies and feel delirious. According to Jaffe (2000), the most common drug abused by these youngsters is alcohol. Statistics show that some kids begin abusing alcohol from as early as age twelve. A majority of this category of youngsters comes from rich families or families that are well off financially, and as such, the parents give their children a lot of freedom and loose change, most of which they waste on alcohol.Another case of the youths doing drugs is the underage children who copy drugs and substance abuse from their peer, guardians, and parents. They do not engage in drugs because they are out of options, but rather they engage in drugs just for the f un of it, in which case they consume copious amounts of drugs just to relax their bodies and feel delirious. According to Jaffe(2000), the most common drug abused by these youngsters is alcohol. Statistics show that some kids begin abusing alcohol from as early as age twelve. A majority of this category of youngsters comes from rich families or families that are well off financially, and as such, the parents give their children a lot of freedom and loose change, most of which they waste on alcohol.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sustainability in IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sustainability in IT - Essay Example The economic perspective of sustainability is about creating a long lasting trade system. On the other hand, corporate suitability is about focusing on the impact of business on the environment and society. The adoption of principles pertaining to sustainable development is therefore extremely important (Newsome, Moore and Dowling, 2002, p. 303). Nevertheless, in reality sustainability and business do not makes a good pair as organizations often struggle to implement sustainability measures. IT Industry and Software Engineering Information technology can be portrayed as a tool which is used to record, store, classify and process data into meaningful information. The information or the process data is then used for different application. Software Engineering is another major area of the IT industry. It is defined as the application of a quantifiable, disciplined and systematic approach towards the development, design and maintenance of a software package. In software engineering, sust ainability is a crucial factor. Although software engineering does not have any direct impact on the ecology due to its virtual nature, the procedure employed for creating it impacts the environment. The IT industry has been a major producer of wastages basically due to its shorter product life cycle. Therefore, depending upon this phenomenon IT companies throughout the world are trying their best to embrace sustainable growth. Sustainability in IT industry Although the large number of studies has been carried out about sustainability, the studies related to the impact and advantage of sustainability on the IT industry have been hardly done before. With buzzwords such as ‘Green computing’ and ‘Green IT’ the relationship between IT and sustainability got strengthened. The primary rationale behind adopting sustainability in IT is not only due to the rules of government, but companies are also becoming socially and environmentally responsible. Now to illustrat e the subject of the project in broader way, a particular company which practices sustainable development will be chosen. Once the company gets determined, the topic will be addressed in the context of the company. On reviewing various IT companies around the world the appropriate company for this project is IBM. Discussion & Analysis Principles of Sustainability Sustainability has always been a subject that has discussed along with corporate social responsibility. The principles of sustainability are highly dependent on the aspects of corporate social responsibility. In general, there are six sustainability principles which help a community to ensure social, environmental, and economic systems get well integrated. The principles of sustainability are as follows: 1. Maintain and try to improve the living standards of the residents. The quality of life one leads is highly dependent upon the community where the individual lives. Some of the vital components of a community include heal th care, education, housing, income, legal rights and employments. Hence it becomes the duty of the organization to look after the welfare of the society and preserve the environment where it is presently operating. 2. Try to enhance the economic vitality of the community. In order to achieve sustainability, it is imperative to have a viable local economy. Furthermore, the economy which is sustainable also remains diversified so that it does not get disturbed by any of the external or internal disasters. Therefore,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gloalization of Spain Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gloalization of Spain - Term Paper Example This isn’t a reason to turn away from globalization, but it is a reason to be vigilant. This essay will look at the way Spain has become more dependent on other countries through the process of globalization and it will suggest that this has mostly been for the best. Although the exact moment of globalization occurring in Spain is a highly debatable question considering the length of Spains history and its extensive involvement in world affairs, it could be said that 1990s marked the rapid acceleration of the period. Spain decided to go full steam ahead with economic global integration. While other countries were slow to see the positive ramifications of globalization, Spain was not. It saw what it wanted and it struck. After many years of sclerotic economic growth under Franco, Spain was ready to reengage with the world again.1 Of course, with current economic events shaking the world economy, we begin to see some of the potential negative effects of globalization for Spain. The problems point to one of the serious drawbacks of globalization: when you open your economy up to the other economies of the world you can get very rich as long as they do well—but you also become very vulnerable to their problems too. This is something Spain has become concerned about regarding the E.U. in the past, and now with the American economy in shambles, it must again revisit this difficult situation. The global economic crisis has shown that interconnectedness can bring with it negative consequences. While a rising tide lifts all boats, a severe drought makes everyone thirsty. This is a problem that will have to be negotiated on the world stage. Spain has a number of economic problems that result from this, including high unemployment. But in the course of this important debate it is important to remember the benefits that have come with

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Economical Markets Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economical Markets Paper - Essay Example Monopoly is an economic structure where there one participant which controls the marketplace. . In such a market the firm realizing business controls the price, but it is not immune to the law of demand and supply. The price is set at the quantity and price point which maximizes profit for a company.. The market demand is downward sloping, but the difference is that in order to maximize profits price is not part of the equation and the formula is determined by the following equation, MR=MC. An example of an intangible asset which allows the formation of a monopoly in Parkersburg is Water – City of Parkersburg Utility. The company is the only firm that produces water within the region, thus they are monopoly. Utility monopolies are at times received governmental incentives so that the basic utility services such as water and electricity become cheaper for the people living below the poverty. Another economic market structure is monopolistic competition. Monopolistic competition is a market structure in which there are lots of competitors and the players utilized differentiation in order to bring uniqueness to their produce offer discrepancies among similar products. In order to effectively compete in such a market it is important to differentiate the product. This can be accomplished though expert advertising, innovation or better production methods. The market demand curve in monopolistic competition slopes downward, thus the equation to maximize profits is MR=MC. Graphically to determine the price for this output the economist extends the quantity line to the demand curve. In Virginia a company that operates in monopolistic market structure is Dairy Queen Brazier. Dairy Queen is a company in the fast food industry which delivers a product that is unique for the industry. The offers classic burgers and hotdogs, but the company also offers gourmet dairy product such as fresh bread,

A Combination of Liberal Arts and Christianity Essay Example for Free

A Combination of Liberal Arts and Christianity Essay Two ways of thought and life are combined to make one learning environment. Liberal arts and Christianity seem like two separate concepts to most, but together they create a harmonious setting for an individual to grow in a multitude of ways. A Liberal Arts College creates a life long thinker that becomes adaptable to society using their knowledge to make decisions. In Holmes pg 35 he says, â€Å" Liberal education is an open invitation to join the human race and become more fully human. Its goals are to read and write and thereby think independently, and appreciation of lasting values coupled with the ability to make sound value judgements and live by them, a critical appreciation of the past and responsible creative participation in the future.† We are educated from kindergarden to 12th grade to learn the fundamentals of all subjects with hopes to impact the society as an educated citizen. This hope is continued if we choose to further our education in college with a specific emphasis on a major. Like many students with a major, Christians are faithful students that use the Bible to guide their daily lives, but to the rest of the world they can be viewed as sheltered and limited to their beliefs. This causes a hindering on effectiveness that Christian have in the community and a misunderstanding of the validity of their thoughts. in Holmes pg 6 he supports this thought by saying,† Unless we understand the thought and value-patterns of our day, as well as those of biblical revelation and the Christian community, and unless we speak fluently the language of our contemporaries, we tragically limit our effectiveness.â€Å" With a Christian College education is heightened by integrating literarary works, theories, and concepts to Christian commitment, moral, and faith making a collaboration of endless possibilities. This creates a well rounded opportunity for students to learn at a college with the strengths of both liberal arts and Christianity called a Christian College. We are not limited to any one way of thinking. As people we want to explore and question the how, what, where, and why’s of the world. The Christian College does not limit the ability of self perception or thought, but encourages the process. Using liberal arts to educate the Christian learner and further their insight in the world is a primary purpose of a Christian College. As stated in Holmes pg 8 â€Å"†¦integration of faith and learning remains the distinctive task of the Christion liberal arts college.† The worldview of Christianity should not be  limited to ones home, but incooperated throughout a persons education to further equipt them for a future that will continue to challenge and question their abilities. In support of this thought, On page 36 Holmes writes on the ever lasting benefits of education,† If the person, including what she becomes in this life, has an eternal destiny, then what I become in the process of education lives on forever†¦ Christian liberal arts education has an eternity in view.† For most, being a student is only a fragment of a lifetime. That is why the importance of receiving a well rounded education that a Christian College has to offer is essential to establish a foundation of education to apply to the remaining years of our lives. Learning with a purpose to become a reflective being, and value being, and a responsible agent will prepare an individual to step into the world and make educated, reasonable, and moral decisions. A reflective beings have a passion to learn, ask, and wonder which leads us to analyze and come up with our own thoughts of possibilities. Reflectiveness sometimes leads us to have a birds eye view of a thought as a whole as opposed to thinking in a narrow, closed minded way. Causing us to become more critical thinkers and nurture our natural inquisitions. Holmes states, â€Å" â€Å"To teach a person to read and write is to teach him to think for himself, to develop more fully the possession of his God-given powers. He becomes in fact, not just in possibility, a reflective, thinking being.† Next, as value being takes a worldview of everything important to them and acts on those thoughts and feelings for direction. In a Chirstian College we see those values as what God has created in the the reflection of Him, us. Actions we take have effects and the choices of those actions can not be learned by reading a book, but the foundations of values can guide a person towards a better outcome. Last, there is the need to be a responsible agent. As Christians we are accountable for our actions and are governed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Decisions of right and wrong are presented daily, but as a Christian going to a Christian College we are taught the principles of reasoning through education and guided with the righteous path God has called us to live. The world is filled with possibilities and opportunity, but it is the people we become with the help of a Christian College, that steers us on the road to a life of reflection, value, and responsibility. A Christian College provides a basis in creating a holistic person by incooperating faith with a liberal  arts education. To see life as one picture rather than a million tiny pieces in a puzzle can create a smoother transition from college to the real world. Often students face the delema of just figuring it out. There is no how to manual or direction guide of life. As Christians we look to the bible for answers and get the general idea of what should be done with digging into our faith, but the is an element of critical thinking that must be applied. That kind of thinking is learned though a Christian College. â€Å" If a person, including what she becomes in life, has an eternal destiny, then what I become in the process of education lives forever†¦Christian liberal arts education has an eternity in view.†(Holmes 36) No one person or book can teach us the do and don’ts in life, but a well round education can prepare us for a life of constant decisions and obst acle to overcome.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Process of Embedding Fuzzy Logic Methodology In Racing Game

Process of Embedding Fuzzy Logic Methodology In Racing Game Alamin Hussain Key words: fuzzy logic, XNA, AI, racing game ABSTRACT Fuzzy Logic has many opinions and understanding from people to people. In its simplest understanding Fuzzy Logic outputs truth(s) based on approximation for reasoning. In essence compared to traditional binary sets, which outputs absolute truths or false values, Fuzzy Logic may have a false or truth-value which ranges in degrees from 0 to 1. Using the above notion, I will be implementing this ideology or method in the perspective of providing behaviors for my Non-Playable-Opponent. What this means is that I will be programming Fuzzy Logic into my video game. Which should provide a more human like interaction. I will be utilizing the Microsoft XNA framework and C# programming language to output the implementation. In attempting to program in Fuzzy Logic, I had come across several hurdles. Such as breaking the rules and calculations down to the most possible simplest form possible, then trying to implement line by line each element. Thereafter running into Syntax Errors and Runtime Errors of which there were many. Finally I was forced to remove some more complex forms of Fuzzy Logic due to time constraints and inability to fully comprehend Fuzzy Logic and apply it via programming. INTRODUCTION Fuzzy Logic is an area of study in Artificial Intelligence built on the idea that in a fuzzy set, each element in a given set which can assume a value from 0 to 1 and does not follow the conventional classic or crisp theory of just 0 or 1. Basically this method follows the conception that approximation is used for reasoning rather than a fixed value. An element is categorized in its gradual inclination towards its relevant set, this is known as the degree of membership. The objective of this project is to efficiently utilize the XNA game engine using C# programming language and DirectX graphics API, to create a function racing game which utilizes Fuzzy Logic artificial intelligence. Previous programmers and coders have utilized Fuzzy Logic in video games, but the use for fuzzy logic in real world applications for video games has been minimal due to more popularity of other methods such as the A* artificial intelligence model. The reason of this project is to identify how fuzzy logic can allow for more human like interaction in a video game setting. In essence providing human feedback and reactions to the player and establishing cohesion in immersive game play. Throughout the main chapters of the thesis, I will going through the process in which I have understood general AI in video games and how fuzzy logic can be applied in this territory. Due to my illness, which has made me bend bound and on medication for just over 2 months from the beginning of February, my research and understanding is very little. As such I will try my best to demonstrate my current knowledge and how I established it into my project. I will be providing and understanding of Artificial Intelligence in video games and how the two are intertwined; he current state and use of AI in video games; Game AI techniques; Fuzzy Logic AI; how Fuzzy Logic is utilized in video games; the benefits of fuzzy logic; the cons of Fuzzy Logic; Fuzzy State Machines; the use of fuzzy logic in the video game industry and previous research conducted on fuzzy logic. MAIN CHAPTERS Artificial Intelligence in Video Games In the study of artificial intelligence in video games it is made up of all the methodologies and techniques for implementing intelligence into video games. Artificial Intelligence in video games contain aspects of, but are not limited to: path finding, control of animation, strategic thinking, procedural generation and learning. All of which require some form of solving problems, which are executed utilising Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The main essence of using game artificial intelligence is bringing a more human like interaction for the player, in creating a more fun, immersive and strategical play. This can be in the form of enemy bosses or interaction with NPCs (Non-Playable-Characters). In the words of Alan Turing, considered the father of of artificial intelligence, an agent is intelligent if its behaviour cannot be distinguished from that of a human[1]. From real human perspective Game artificial intelligence is in essence not real intelligence but the illusion of such methods[2]. Successful video games implement varying degrees of compelling artificial intelligence. It is not a requirement to implement very intelligent, unbeatable smart opponents but a much fun and some what realistic opponent who does not do damagingly stupid manoeuvres of which could ruin the whole game play and remove a player from the immersion. Like in most aspects of a video game, the game AI compliments and provides a higher realisation of a given video game, such as maintaining high levels of entertainment and fun game play. From the beginning of video game development to the the present times of complex large project based games, Artificial Intelligence has certainly been widely used and with the passage of time has increased usage and complexity with it. As such video games such as online multi player games have brought forward advanced artificial intelligence and have changed the habits and perception of players. This in effect has made players demand much more intricacy in game play in regards to artificial intelligence and developers are more and more focusing in providing human-like methods in AI, which are capable of learning from the players inputs. Developers have since moved away from predictable and scripted opponents and heavily focused on the advanced artificial intelligence in games. Due to the nature of video game development, game AI has real world constraints, in terms of time management and scheduling of a project. As such tested and working methods are used in development and the lack of innovation in the field of game AI is very much not visible. Game Artificial intelligence borrows knowledge from academic based AI such as robotics. But has its own parallel workforce of improvement and research and development, whilst keeping practicality in mind due to the nature of the game industry[3]. All forms of AI research and development borrows elements of information and as such same techniques can be found in some form in all fields of study. This thesis will delve on the study of a particular method of video game artificial intelligence, which is Fuzzy Logic and the use of such AI in video game. Then bringing a conclusion from my findings and usage of Fuzzy Logic game AI. Current Usage of Game AI Game artificial intelligence had gained traction from the late eighties early nineties, as such has gained much more attention from the game industry in the last decade or so. Traditionally video game have been pushing boundaries in the composition of visual graphics and audio realism in a bid to gain traction from end consumers. This in return had made it so that CPU (Central Processing Unit) processing powers was largely given precedence to graphics computation, followed by sound computation and then the game logic. This process of allocation of resources in previous game development left very little computation al power to artificial intelligence, which resulted in very stupid, generic and easily overpower enemies and or opponents. The previous process of developing video games and limitations on resources meant that artificial intelligence was very minimal. In more recent times graphical fidelity has improved so well that the visuals on screen are indistinguishable to their real life counter parts. As well as the costs of provided more resources on a much lower capital and recent inclusions of GPU (Graphical Processing Unit), meant that visual graphics had a dedicated resource in providing improved graphics, whilst freeing up the CPU to focus more on intricate computations. This has allowed artificial intelligence and physics to flourish and become more improved over the years, allowing more immersive game play. This trend of game development and resource allocation has allowed video game artificial intelligence to become some what of an essential necessity to differentiate and better develop high quality video games. As costs are minimising and developers improving, there are more and more dedicated teams of developers focusing on game AI, in creating seemingly intelligent NPCs, opponents and enemies, thus enabling challenging and interesting video games for the players. Following these development cycles and improvements over the years in the study of video game artificial intelligence has allowed people studying and or researching artificial intelligence to use video games as a mean of testing their research. This in essence allows reducing large overheads, increasing safety and utilising a simple environment in a virtual world. As opposed testing in the real world, which would increase costs and potential pose a risk to researchers if it were a large scale project utilise large physical object(s).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blood and Debt: War and the Nation-State in Latin America

Blood and Debt: War and the Nation-State in Latin America Book Review: Miguel Angel Centeno. Blood and Debt: War and the Nation-State in Latin America. Penn State University Press 2002. Centenos book begins with the mystery of absence of interstate war-what he calls limited war-in Latin America, and then goes into the genealogy of state development in South America and the role of war on that continent. His historically contextualized analysis of warfare takes up the imbricated factors of class structure, organizational power, and international restraints in Latin America. He characterizes the Latin American states institutional and administrative capacity as not well developed as a result of divisions among dominant class structures, foreign power influence and control, which in turn have contributed to the states relatively peaceful history. He succinctly argues that they have been relatively peaceful because they dont have sophisticated political institutions to manage wars -the no States-no Wars argument.[1] Centeno contends that the lack of strong state institutions and limited state capacity accounts for these states inability to create autonomy and finance these wars through internal revenue; rather, this created dependency on foreign government loans that in turn weakened local capacity to create autonomy and thwarted the establishment of strong central institutions.[2] Foreign loan dependency created the conditions for the weakening of the possibility of creating strong central institutions that resulted in limited state capacity and the associated limited scale of war.[3] According to Centeno, limited war[4] do[es] not require the political or military mobilization of the society except (and not always) in the euphoric initial moments.[5] Foreign intervention based on trade interests also limited the scale of Latin American wars.[6] Centeno substantiates his argument with assessments of the capacity of Latin American governments to collect taxes, raise troops, and establish effective bureaucracies. Equally important is his argument about the ability of governments to galvanize nationalism, an ethos that creates a coherent concept of nation.[7] Based on comparative insight derived from North Atlantic nations, he argues that compared to Latin American states, these nations have more capacity to mobilize millions of troops to fight, financed through internally raised revenue from taxes.[8] I believe Centenos work is important as it provides a thorough analysis and critique of state-building theory based on empirical study. His work invests more attention in the Latin America region and makes a country-specific study to understand the particularities and nuances of generic state-building theory. His work draws attention to institutional analysis of states. As he writes, [This] magnificent display of institutional failure deserves further attention.[9] Centeno argues that Latin America has fought limited wars and further inquires into the meaning of this in an attempt to better understand the relationship between war and state-making. His work opens the door for deconstructing conventional nation-building theory, which is largely based on a Eurocentric account of war. Grounded in a set of empirical data and rigorous analysis, Centenos critical work illustrates how war contributed to the weakening of institutions, paying due attention to the fiscal aspect of the state, and shows how war in Latin America ruined institutions and resulted in more entrenched internal divisions.[10] He discusses the institutional capacity of the state as a central theme to explain and critique the regional history and political development, and he examines wars impact, how it has shaped state-society relationships, national identity and fiscal development. Centeno repeatedly emphasizes the fact that states in Latin America did not develop the kind of institutional strength of their Western European counterparts. The author is puzzled by the process and experience and consequences of war in Latin America and how this relates to states institutional strength and capacity to undertake war in a way that has shaped their creation. Based on multiple cases, Centenos historical development of each case and the experience of war illustrates the exigencies, contextual factors, and relational dimensions that all must be taken into account in order to determine, understand and explain variations and commonalties across the continent. This theoretical approach and these methodological insights are critical to assessing the development of the state based on European history and experience while complementing the theoretical discussion of the development of the state on both levelscapturing country-specific variations and theorizing or bringing in theoretical explanations for differences and commonalities. Understanding and explaining regional and country-specific variations using comparative methods provides relevant details to critically engage conventional state-building theory. Through this work, I learned that understanding variations and contextualizing analysis case by case is an important approach. The author uses the prism of war-state development bellicist model[11] as an important theoretical framework to problematize and further explain the nuances and regional and country-specific conditions and factors that alter and critique Eurocentric generalizations of the causal relationship between war and state development. Indeed, Centeno uses the counterfactual realties of Latin America to successfully refute the European model of state-building theory that suggests that wars created modern states and enhanced their institutions, creating the capacity for states to exploit resources, monopolize violence and make more wars. In fact, he successfully illustrates how (limited) wars in Latin America destroyed institutions and thwarted nation-state building. Here, he introduces internal factors such as class structure, internal elite divisions and the enduring impact of postcolonial chaos, noting how all contributed, along with the international factors related to how trade interest played out and to debt/loan dependence. An important lesson we can draw from this book is that the experience of war in Latin America, its role and influence on state creation (both the types and kinds of state formation) are distinct here, different from the significant role war played in the development of some European states. No doubt more cases from Latin America and elsewhere would further refute, contextualize, deconstruct and critique the conventional presuppositions, assumptions and models of state-building theory. The complex historical realties of states problematize and create an elaborated space for other factors, beyond war, providing complementary explanations related to creation of the state. Centenos central message is that the link between war and state-building is contingent on historical specificities and case-specific factors. However, his work does not help us to understand how strong states could develop without wars. The logic in Centenos theory and argument is important as it highlights important elements in appraising the link between war-making and state-making as understood in conventional theories, putting the focus on certain contingent factors-history, domestic socio-economic and political structures, and international politics. [1] Centeno, M. A. (2002). Blood and debt: War and the nation-state in Latin America. Penn State Press.p 26 [2] Ibid p 28 and Chapter 3 [3] Ibid [4] Ibid p 20-26 [5] Ibid p 21 [6] Ibid p 26 and 72-73 [7] Ibid p. 23, 7 and Chapter 4 and 5 [8] Ibid p 108- 109 191 and Chapter 5 [9] Ibid p 17 [10]ÂÂ   Ibid p 142 -145, 14, 6-7 and Chapter 3 [11] Ibid p. 19 and 266 What Makes a Teacher Effective? What Makes a Teacher Effective? What do you think it means to be an effective teacher? An effective teacher utilises aspects of their background, professional knowledge and personality to boost students academic growth (Whitton, Barker, Nodworthy, Sinclair, Phil, 2004). The favourable characteristics that follow an effective teacher are their high confidence, optimism and knowledge of the content. Effective teachers are confident in their knowledge, skills and their ability to guide students as well as feeling secure about their status as master of their subject. As well as having confidence in themselves, teachers must have confidence in their students, and believe that they will learn (Killen, 2013). The teacher should have strong beliefs that even the most complicated concept can be explained in such a way that students find it easy to learn. The teachers deeper understanding of the content should provide a means that makes it easy for them as teachers to alter known concepts to suit the students, making it easier for students to consume (Killen, 2013). Teaching is more than just presenting content, our Australian curriculum displays content that students must intake and how their academic level should be judged e.g. Tests and exams. A starting point for an effective teacher is to understand that learning is based on understanding the concept of the content, and the means of an effective teacher is to motivate learners from a state of not understanding to deeper understanding (Killen, 2013). Teachers must be able to create an environment where learners can understand the content presented. Specific techniques that are used to effectively create this environment involve the transformation of the content to something that is easier to understand, motivating learners and engaging them in learning tasks and the teachers adaptability to different students and different learning styles (Killen, 2013). Interactions with students gives teachers the chance to know what is happening around the class room so teachers have a chance to manipulat e their teaching style to best suit the students (Whitton et al., 2016). Why do teachers need to purposely plan for learning? Planning is an important technique teachers use to amplify student achievement as well as teacher satisfaction, the best teachers are able to organise and deliver the best learning experience through thoughtful planning. Overall planning put into class rooms should meet the curriculum requirements and learning needs, to further extend student academic achievement and make the learning experience worthwhile (Whitton et al., 2016). In order for students to meet the learning goals set out by the curriculum, teachers must understand the importance of effective planning. An effective plan helps students to learn purposefully with more efficiency as time is always a constraint in a class room, a developed plan also helps the teacher to clarify what goals are set for students and a step by step process on how to achieve those goals (Killen, 2013). An in-depth plan can boost the teachers confidence as it mirrors to the teacher that they understand the content the students want to learn, the increase in confidence will propel the overall teaching effectiveness. Purposely planning for learning is a must if a teacher is to grow in the art of teaching as it develops the teachers capability for effective teaching and gives a mean to reflect on their planning and effectiveness (Killen, 2013). A plan for learning needs to be effective in order to ensure the learning procedure is productive. Teaching can be simplified into a learning cycle: Planning, implementing then evaluating. Planning requires thorough knowledge of the students in the class their age, gender, interests, learning styles, academic talents and social / emotional states all come into effect when identifying the most effective techniques to be highlighted in the plan (Whitton et al., 2016). Knowledge and understanding of the curriculum must also be taken into account when setting up the plan so learning outcomes can be met. With an active and comprehensive plan the implementing of the actual teaching shows more effectiveness, evaluation of the lesson taught will provide feedback to the teacher on if the content and process was suitable for the students (Whitton et al., 2016). The purpose of the lesson taught must be clear so that students know why each lesson is important, simultaneously the lesson should al so be used by the teacher as means to guide their planning (Killen, 2013) How can effective teachers best engage students in learning? Engaging students in learning is just as important as teaching the students. In order for learners to take in the content being taught they must be focused on the objective and have a clear understanding as to why theyre being taught this. Various strategies are used together by teachers to best engage students to learn. Lesson introductions are one of the major components to involve learners and have them drawn into the learning experience, a lesson introduction should spark the students interests and have them feel connected to the learning environment (Whitton et al., 2016). Just as we discussed in the tutorial in week 3 examples to get the class interested in learning are setting up display materials, objects that students can touch and build understanding through a hands-on experience (e.g. cutting fruit into pieces when examining fractions) or reading a childrens book as audio-visual resource. The introductions should always be related to the topic and spark interests (Whitton et al., 2016). Just as lesson introductions lesson closures should also be given high amounts of attention. The lesson closure must also be relevant and involve the learners to make them aware that the lesson is over. Recapping what occurred, having groups display their work or discuss amongst themselves are good closures that give the teacher an idea if learning outcomes were met during the lesson (Whitton et al., 2016). Therere are many teaching and learning strategies, all the strategies can be broken down into 4 planning components: content, process, products and environment. The content is what is taught, process is how the content is taught, products are the teachers themselves that guide and help students (Whitton et al., 2016). Discovery learning is a strategy used that challenges students understanding and their thinking skills, this strategy of learning focuses on the students, expecting them to develop a solution and a method to the solution (Whitton et al., 2016). Discovery lessons require hands-on research activities to best engage the students. The advantages of discovery learning are that students are involved in the process of learning, the actives used in this type of learning are more meaningful and students acquire their own research and reflective skills (Westwood Peter, 2008). Why is developing positive communication skills important for effective teachers? The idea of enforcing positive communication skills upon teachers to further present in the classroom serve a clear purpose, an effective teacher will use their communication skills to create a rich and positive learning environment. Specific teaching strategies, skills and attitudes impact the learning environment as a whole and in turn these characteristics of the teacher can be manipulated and adjusted and then presented with strong communication skills to the students in order to gage their interests and create a healthy, productive classroom (Whitton et al., 2016). In an educational setting the relationship the teacher has with the students has a significant impact on the communication that occurs between teacher and student (Howell, 2014). If a teacher builds a positive relationship with their students there is a direct influence on the type of communication they will engage in, positive relationships opens a positive environment and negative relationships will generate a negat ive environment (Howell, 2014). An effective teacher will aim to promote a positive learning environment through means of displaying approachability and showing assertiveness in their communication. Assertiveness is categorised as communication style as well as aggressiveness and passivity (Howell, 2014). A good teacher will avoid aggressive and passive styles in communicating as they foster a negative learning environment but should focus on being assertive. The assertive teacher will display the capabilities to be an effective active listener; non-judgemental; able to express himself with honesty; respect others values; able to check on others feelings, all while being proactive, flexible, trustworthy and confident (Howell, 2014). All these highlighted qualities make the teacher approachable, if a student finds a teacher approachable theyre more likely to confide with the teacher and should they have a problem in the future they will feel encouraged to come to the teacher to share their concerns and feelings (Whi tton et al., 2016). By advocating positive relationships and communication, through assertiveness and approachability teachers promote a healthy and positive classroom environment for effective learning (Whitton et al., 2016 Howell,2014). References Whitton, D., Sinclair, C., Barker K., Nosworthy, M., Humphries, J., Sinclair, C. (2016)Learning for teaching: Teaching for learning. VIC, Australia: Cengage Killen, R. (2013). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice. South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia. Retrieved from Westwood, P. (2008). What teachers need to know about. VIC, Australia: ACER Press. Retrieved from;dn=569324157817332;res=IELHSS Howell, J. (2014). Teaching and learning: Building effective pedagogies. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford. Retrieved from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Aristotles Notion Of Body And Soul Essay -- essays research papers

Aristotele’s Notion of Body and Soul, and My opinion What is Aristotele’s notion of body and soul? According to Aristotle, everything in the world is divided between superior and inferior. Man is superior to the animals, the male to the female, and the soul to the body. â€Å"The soul is more noble than our possesions or our bodies';. Therefore, man should act through his soul, and not through his body. The soul services the greater good. If a man does not act from his soul, and thus lets his body rule the sole, he is not worthy of politics, and is a ‘natural slave’. A natural slave is born to slavery. For him slavery is â€Å"both expedient and right';, because they let the bodily pleasures, wants and lusts overrule rationality. The people who do let the soul rule over the body are in the ‘p...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Black holes :: essays research papers

black hole, in astronomy, celestial object of such extremely intense gravity that it attracts everything near it and in some instances prevents everything, including light, from escaping. The term was first used in reference to a star in the last phases of gravitational collapse (the final stage in the life history of certain stars; see stellar evolution), by the American physicist John A. Wheeler. Gravitational collapse begins when a star has depleted its steady sources of nuclear energy and can no longer produce the expansive force, a result of normal gas pressure, that supports the star against the compressive force of its own gravitation. As the star shrinks in size (and increases in density), it may assume one of several forms depending upon its mass. A less massive star may become a white dwarf, while a more massive one would become a supernova. If the mass is less than three times that of the sun, it will form a neutron star. However, if the final mass of the remaining stellar core is more than three solar masses, as shown by the American physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer and Hartland S. Snyder in 1939, nothing remains to prevent the star from collapsing without limit to an indefinitely small size and infinitely large density, a point called the "singularity. At the point of singularity the effects of Einstein's general theory of relativity become paramount. According to this theory, space becomes curved in the vicinity of matter; the greater the concentration of matter, the greater the curvature. When the star (or supernova remnant) shrinks below a certain size determined by its mass, the extreme curvature of space seals off contact with the outside world. The place beyond which no radiation can escape is called the event horizon, and its radius is called the Schwarzschild radius after the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, who in 1916 postulated the existence of collapsed celestial objects that emit no radiation. For a star with a mass equal to that of the sun, this limit is a radius of only 0.9 mi (1.5 km). Even light cannot escape the black hole but is turned back by the enormous pull of gravitation. It is now believed that the origin of some black holes is nonstellar. Some astrophysicists suggest that immense volumes of interstellar matter can collect and collapse into supermassive black holes, such as are found at the center of some galaxies.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Employee Engagement Essay

They are more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and more likely to withstand temptations to leave the organization. In the best organizations, employee engagement transcends a human resources initiative — it is the way they do business. Employee engagement is a strategic approach supported by tactics for driving improvement and organizational change. The best performing companies know that developing an employee engagement strategy and linking it to the achievement of corporate goals will help them win in the marketplace. Unleashing the Potential for Growth World-Class Average 33% 67% Engaged 49% Not Engaged Actively Disengaged 26% 7% 18% 9. 57:1 1. 83:1 Ratio of Engaged to Actively Disengaged What’s Your Engagement Ratio? Gallup’s engagement ratio is a macro-level indicator of an organization’s health that allows executives to track the proportion of engaged to actively disengaged employees. The average working population ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees is near 2:1. Actively disengaged employees erode an organization’s bottom line, while breaking the spirits of colleagues in the process. Within the U. S. workforce, Gallup estimates this cost to the bottom line to be more than $300 billion in lost productivity alone. In stark contrast, world-class organizations that have built a sustainable model using Gallup’s approach have an engagement ratio of more than 9:1. As organizations move toward this benchmark, they greatly reduce the negative effect of actively disengaged employees while unleashing the organization’s potential for rapid growth. Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Gallup’s Research-Based Approach Gallup’s employee engagement work is based on more than 30 years of in-depth research involving more than 17 million employees. This research has appeared in many business and scientific publications, including the Journal of Applied Psychology and the Harvard Business Review and in our bestselling books First, Break All the Rules and the sequel 12: The Elements of Great Managing. 12 Elements of Engagement Gallup has developed and identified 12 core elements that link powerfully to critical business outcomes. These 12 statements emerged from Gallup’s pioneering research as those that best predict employee and workgroup performance. The 12 Elements of Great Managing I know what is expected of me at work. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. There is someone at work who encourages my development. At work, my opinions seem to count. The mission or purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. I have a best friend at work. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. Copyright  © 1993-1998 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.. 2 Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Adding Elements In addition to the 12 elements, Gallup recommends adding questions that address your company’s unique culture or address business issues facing your organization. Gallup’s expansive item bank includes key indices to help organizations measure their strength in areas such as innovation, change management, customer orientation, leadership, and inclusiveness. Gallup’s latest meta-analysis (an analysis of data from more than 152 organizations) shows dramatic differences between top- and bottom-quartile workgroups on key business outcomes. It is through this meta-analysis that Gallup continues to validate the 12 elements. Beyond the dramatic difference engaged workgroups show in productivity, profitability, safety incidents, and absenteeism versus disengaged workgroups, Gallup has proven that companies with world-class engagement have 3. 9 times the EPS growth rate compared with organizations with lower engagement in their same industry. Linking Employee Engagement to Critical Business Outcomes Employee Engagement and Critical Business Outcomes 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% -60% -70% -37% -49% -49% -60% -25% -27% -41% Turnover High Absenteeism Turnover Orgs. Low Turnover Orgs. Safety Incidents Patient Safety Incidents 18% 12% Quality (Defects) Shrinkage 16% Customer Productivity Profitability Top decile companies have 3. 9 times the Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth rate Difference Between Top and Bottom Quartile Performance Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Systematically Improving Employee Engagement Improving engagement goes beyond simply asking the right questions. Engaging employees requires a year-round focus on changing behaviors, processes, and systems to anticipate and respond to your organization’s needs. From the leadership team to the frontline employees, all levels within an organization must commit to making these changes. A Sustainable Approach Gallup approaches employee engagement with sustainability in mind, and thus, provides managers and leaders with tools to help drive performance on an ongoing basis through a combination of measurement, reporting, learning, action planning, and strategic interventions. Using the latest technology and cutting-edge research, Gallup continually provides clients with innovative solutions that drive change. From state-of-the-art organizational mapping software and online tools to first-class instructional designers and consultants, Gallup’s approach to employee engagement reduces the amount of time needed to move from measurement to improvement. The world’s top-performing organizations recognize the critical role managers play in achieving business objectives. As a global leader in the area of employee ecruitment and selection, Gallup has a proven method for hiring managers and employees with the talent to build engagement. After reviewing nearly 10,000 validated pre-employment questions and the global Q12 database, Gallup uncovered a subset of questions that enables organizations to assess whether a job candidate, if hired, will boost engagement levels. This engagement selecting approach will help hiring managers find candidates who have more potential to drive engagement in the workplace. Selecting for Engagement 4 Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. What the World’s Best Organizations Do Differently Gallup drives organizations to systematically improve employee engagement using proven interventions at the local and enterprise level. Beyond setting the proper strategy, interventions include finding the right performance metrics that drive accountability, creating a comprehensive communication strategy, and designing development opportunities for every employee, manager, and leader. While partnering with many of the world’s best organizations, Gallup has observed that world-class organizations make employee engagement a priority by focusing on the following: Strategy World-class organizations develop a formula for success by looking objectively and rigorously at the business problems they face and by focusing on finding the right employees and keeping them engaged. For these organizations, an employee engagement strategy is not only fundamental to the way they do business, it is critical to their success. Accountabil ity and Performance The top-driven companies focus on outcomes. They define and rigorously measure success at every level in the organization. These measurements ultimately help focus each person, team, department, and business unit on driving performance and results. Communication Within the best performing organizations there is a cultural alignment between the employees and the company, paired with a strategic alignment between activities and company goals. These organizations use their corporate communication touchpoints to reinforce their commitments to employees and customers. Development As the struggle for talent intensifies, organizations face a continual challenge to build and grow their leadership capacity. The world’s top-performing companies have comprehensive leader and manager development programs, but they also go one step further — these programs are performance-driven and incorporate a comprehensive succession plan throughout the organization. They make it a priority to not only identify leadership potential, but also to focus intently on the creation of developmental paths for current and future managers and leaders. †¢ †¢ †¢ Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Proven Return on Investment Increasing employee engagement directly correlates with a positive effect on key business metrics. A partnership with Gallup enables your organization to design, implement, and execute an employee engagement strategy, and at the same time, your organization will have concrete evidence of the effect of this strategy on the bottom line. Gallup’s proof of ROI goes beyond the case study level. By continually validating the effect of increasing employee engagement through meta-analyses and business impact studies, Gallup can observe ROI trends across hundreds of clients. The observed net gain in key business outcomes for business units that grow employee engagement is a direct link to ROI. Typical Net Gain at the Organizational Level 8. 0% 7. 0% 6. 0% 5. 0% 4. 0% 3. 0% 2. 0% 1. 0% 0. 0% Median Growth in Engagement (. 15 GrandMean) m A Tu r Think about the cost to replace an employee, attract a new, loyal customer, or pay workers’ compensation. Using quick and simple math with the net gain values provided, your organization can begin to model the ROI it is capable of attaining. 6 Tu r Pa t Pr od er uc tiv ity Pr o? ta bi lit y Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. h y et af Q ge ow ty eis ka -H fe -L ua lit C ig te rin Sa tS en ve r ve r no no ien bs Sh us to y Performance Optimizationâ„ ¢: Managing the Employee-Customer Encounter Taking employee engagement one step further, Gallup’s Performance Optimization approach offers an innovative, research-based approach to one of the toughest challenges businesses face t oday: how to drive success by effectively managing the moments when employees interact with customers. This approach brings employee and customer engagement on to a single management platform. It combines a proven method for assessing the health of the employee-customer encounter with a disciplined process for improving it. Gallup is unique in its ability to design and execute this aligned approach because our expertise and global capability in marketplace consulting practices is as deep as our expertise and global capability in workplace consulting practices. e Impact of Performance Optimization HIGH TM CE11 CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Boost 70% 240% Boost 1. (Baseline) LOW LOW Boost HIGH 70% Q12 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Our meta-analysis of engagement and financial performance in companies across multiple industries reveals that business units that score above our database median on customer and employee engagement significantly outperform units that rank in the bottom half on both measures. Organizations employing Performance Optimization principles have outperformed their competitors by 26% in gross margin and 85% in sales growth. Their customers buy more, spend more, return more often, and stay longer. Blending strategic analysis with hands-on, practical steps and advice, Performance Optimization changes how leaders view their work, their employees, and their customers. Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Gallup’s Global Reach Gallup’s 2,000 professionals deliver services at client organizations and from 40 offices around the world. Benchmarking World-Class Organizations Gallup maintains the world’s most comprehensive historical and comparative employee engagement databases. The historical database contains data collected in 67 languages from more than 17 million respondents in 175 countries worldwide. Gallup updates the comparative database annually, which enables clients to benchmark their organization’s employee engagement levels against the most recent data Gallup collects from around the world. Gallup’s most recent database, covering the past three years, includes data collected from more than 6. million employees representing more than 815,000 workgroups in 16 major industries and more than 70 sub-industries in 170 countries worldwide. Gallup understands the importance of timely data and relevant comparisons in the competitive landscape of today’s fast-paced marketplace. As a result, your organization can compare its engagement data with Gallup’s global, world-class, industry-specific, or custom database segments. Change That Drives Outcomes Transformation does not occur instantaneously. It takes a lot of energy and effort to initiate change, and it takes even more energy to build on that momentum. It takes focused attention to drive engagement. A partnership with Gallup will help your organization influence and inspire engagement by building a â€Å"people† strategy that holds people accountable for performance, aligns communication, and builds development opportunities for leaders, managers, and frontline employees, giving your organization a competitive edge. 8 Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright  © 2008, 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 â€Å"Best Buy has already had success in connecting improved employee-engagement scores to store performance: it found that for every 10th of a point it boosted the former, its stores saw a $100,000 increase in operating income.

Philippine Cinema: An in-depth Analysis Essay

Values and Traits of Filipino Films Philippine Cinema has unique values and traits. Don Jose as the Father of Filipino Films labeled the Filipino films as quality content and has a commercial appeal among movie goers. Many of the films created by Don Jose Nepomuceno were received the approval of the box office and win the heart of film critics. Nepomuceno has a mind-set in every movie that he will create that a content of a movie should have the combination of artwork and crass commercialism (Quirino, 1983). Nepomuceno did not know that he will become a master of film creation here in the Philippine Cinema. Nepomuceno studied fine arts in his college degree and after finishing that course he continued studying electrical engineering. He is also a business minded person at the very young age because of the influence of his family and they have their own business stalls. The combination of his technicality with his background in electrical engineering and the artistic mind of Don Jose as he had a background in his fine arts degree led him to his popularity and became a successful director in Philippine Cinema. He’s mind as business person also helped him to create movies that will approve the movie-goer’s choice as the competition from other films especially Hollywood films were tough at that time. He survived his movies as compare to other Filipino filmmakers to remain on the circulation (Qurino, 1983). On the study conducted by Nicanor Tiongson, she mentioned in her article entitled â€Å"Four Values in Filipino Drama and Film† that most of the films in the Philippines have a perspectives of 1.Maganda ang Maputi (White is beautiful) 2. Masaya ang palabas (Shows are the best) 3. Mabuti ang inaapi (Hurrah for the undog!) 4. Maganda pa ang Daigidig (all is right within the world) (Tiongson, 2004). Tiongson (2004) concluded on the said article above that the first value which is white is beautiful is the strongest evidence of colonial mentality from the date when we were colonized by the Spaniards up to the present time where in we’re introduced to Western-pop culture. Television also showed the concept of having white skin is beautiful. Lots of commercials endorsed to  use whitening soap, lotion, or even taking tablets or capsules are prescribed to have fair and white skin. The said article based on the study performed by Tiongson came up with a resolution and recommendation that those four values must be replaced by the following: 1. Maganda ang kayumangi 2. Masaya ang palabas na may laman 3. Mabuti ang may sariling isip 4. Gaganda pa ang daigdig. This only show that we need to create art that will help to lift-up our own culture. The article sends a message that if we think we have good content of the films, we can make it better by trying the values that we don’t use ( Tiongson, 2004). As what Tiongson concluded on her critics in Philippine Cinema, the content of the films produced locally became low and not offer unique storyline anymore. Viewers now a day entertained and patronized movies that has no content of artistry and it has a universal plot of story which can be viewed and be predicted even at the start of the story. As what important from the current film industry especially in mainstream movies are to give entertainment among the audience and it should have a crass of commercialism even the quality of the movie will suffer. It seems the reason why many Philippine filmmakers and film industry are currently facing huge problem in terms of gaining trust from the audience and the positive feed back from the film critics. Joe Quirino(1983), reported on his book â€Å"Don Jose and the early Philippine Cinema† that there are only two kinds of Filipino movies and both of them make you cry – one because it’s so sad and the other it’s so bad. This only means that early cinema created films that will touch the heart of viewers. Filipinos really love the story of a film or telenovela which has drama-genre that made their eyes cry. Atty. Espiridon Laxa (President of Philippine Motion Pictures Producers Association) narrated the traits of Filipino films and the reason on why it always cater sad stories in his speech – â€Å"When our film industry came into existence in 1917, rather than functions as an art expectedly to reflect the different facets of Philippine life it became a medium of expressing the sadness of a people who suffered from foreign domination after another. This  why so many years the local films depicted sob stories† (cited in Don Jose and the early Philippine Cinema, Quirino,1983). Colonization from different foreign countries was the reason why early cinema depicted into sad stories or drama-genre of films. Current events in our society might be a big influence on the trends of films produced within a certain period of time. Marc Ferro- co director of Annales (ESC) (as cited by del Mundo, 1998), he explored the intersection between history and cinema. â€Å"We need to study film and see it in relation to the world that produces it what is our hypothesis? – that film image or not reality, documentary or fiction, true story or pure invention, is History (pp. 29). Challenges of Philippines Cinema Industry Like a simple business industry, cinema industry also encounters problem and challenges like financial aspect that affect the number of films produce each year, huge amount of taxes placed by the government in the Philippine film industry and at the same time the lack of support of the government to our filmmakers and film industry. The main root of the low quality movie produced locally is the wrong perspective of most of the filmmakers especially in the mainstream industry. The perspective of a master cinema by Filipinos and filmmakers are represented by the foreign films. The Filipino filmmakers failed to break the influence of the colonialism in the films that they created ( Del Mundo, 1998). The main challenge among Filipino filmmakers is to go back to the roots of Philippine Culture like moro-moro and zarzuela but not necessarily revive them, but to explore these indigenous sources with new character and identity. This might help Filipino blind eyes of appreciating our own native culture and can bring a promise of brighter future of Philippine Cinema (Del Mundo, 1998).