Monday, September 30, 2019

Angela McRobbie’s Analysis of Jackie Essay

This essay will be exploring Angela McRobbie’s analysis of Jackie and why the magazine has seen a new found popularity in recent years. Jackie was a popular British weekly teenage girls’ magazine published by Scottish company D.C. Thomson which was published from 1964 up until 1993. It was named after the children’s author Jacqueline Wilson who worked for D.C. Thomson at the time. The magazine was most popular with girls in the age range of 10 to 14. Before Jackie made its debut, magazines aimed at teenaged girls were normally romance orientated comic strips such as Mirabelle, Romeo and Valentine. Although Jackie did indeed feature romantic stories, they were not the main focus of the magazine. Features that had normally previously featured only in women’s magazines such as problem pages, fashion pages, reader’s true life stories, and hair and beauty advice were now introduced to a teenage population. Indeed Jackie was written by the women’s magazine department of D.C. Thomson rather than the one focused on children’s comics such as The Beano and The Dandy. Taking all this into consideration, it could be argued that Jackie provided the blue print for the modern teenage girl’s magazines. In her analysis, McRobbie says she feels that Jackie tapped into the biological nature of teenage girls, when they start to become more curious about their changing bodies and start to show an interest in the opposite sex. The Cathy and Claire problem pages were a popular feature with readers of the magazine, and many problems readers wrote in with mainly focused on boys and other common problems that come hand in hand with growing up. McRobbie believes that one purpose of the magazine was to prepare girls for the â€Å"brief flowering† period that many young working class women in that time had before marriage – but after they had just left school and started work – and so had freedom and a disposable income to go out with their f riends to pubs and dances and buy adult items such as clothes and make-up. Richard Hoggart discusses this period in his analysis of working class teenage girls in his book The Uses of Literacy. One feature Jackie was famous for was its photo stories that provided a stepping stone to fame for celebrities such as Fiona Bruce and Hugh Grant, which were usually of a romantic nature, in the style thought to appeal to the young women of the target audience. These provided girls with a romantic ideal which McRobbie discusses in her analysis of the magazine, McRobbie believes that young girls are conditioned to seek romantic based  relationships instead of sexual ones and that romantic stories like the ones that featured in Jackie and other magazines aimed at teenaged girls at the time helped to reinforce this. Again, these can seem comically clichà ©d and dated by the standards of today. In fact, one of the reasons that Jackie may have regained popularity is that this style of article, although probably reasonable at the time written, seem almost laughable and maybe also politically incorrect by today’s standards (for example one article featured in The Best of Jackie Annual on ways how to attract boys suggests that a girl should try sitting on a park bench â€Å"looking tearful†, and a fashion feature refers to plus sized girls as â€Å"fatties† and very slim girls as being â€Å"stick like†). To many people in 2012, these almost seem like satire. Indeed, on the popular bookselling website Amazon, The Best of Jackie Annual and it’s spinoffs such as Dear Cathy and Claire – The Best of Your Favourite Problem Page can be found under the sub-category â€Å"Humour†. A feature that can be found in The Best of Jackie Annual, which had previously been published as a part of an actual Jackie Christmas annual, on how to survive Christmas parties advises the readers to be wary of drunken bosses and uncles making passes at them. This is disturbingly mentioned in a casual and almost light hearted fashion, like it is a common occurrence to be expected, and perhaps even tolerated. The idea of a girl so young being put in a vulnerable position with a much older man, especially one who is in a position of authority or a relative, would be unlikely to be treated in this fashion today. This article may appear humorous to some people in a dark way, simply because it is so shocking and highly inappropriate by today’s standards. Another reason why Jackie may have seen a new increase in popularity is because older women, who would have been readers of Jackie in the past, may want to look back at their youth and remember a much simpler time before they had children to worry over, bills to pay, jobs (or lack of them) and mortgages. Looking back on the past is something which has always been very popular with people and becomes more common during times of economic recession, like the one Britain (and Europe in general) has been struggling with in recent years. There are numerous discussions on the internet in forums with older women talking fondly about their experiences and memories of reading Jackie. When Jackie stopped being published in 1993, D.C. Thomson realised a new magazine aimed at teenaged girls called Shout,  which could possibly be seen by some people as a rebranding of Jackie. Shout is still being published today and I compared a recent copy of Shout from May 2012 to a copy of Jackie from June 1981. Both magazines feature a celebrity on the front cover, with Shout having Cheryl Cole and Jackie having Adam Ant, and both also have tampon adverts on the back covers. A similar layout to that which Jackie used, and which McRobbie discusses in Jackie: An Ideology of Adolescent Femininity, is used in Sh out. Problem pages, fashion pages, celebrity gossip, hair and beauty advice, â€Å"pin-ups† of attractive male celebrities, horoscopes and reader’s true-life stories all feature in both magazines, although there are clear generational differences in these articles between the two magazines. Advice given in the problem pages of Shout is more concerned with more serious issues such as sex and alcohol abuse and also offers career advice. In the days of Jackie’s popularity girls were not often encouraged to stay on to do further education after the compulsory school leaving age and usually got married at an age which would be considered very young today, whereas today many girls go on to go to college and university and choose to put off marriage and having children to a later stage in life, if they opt to at all. Jackie also contained sewing and knitting patterns, which are things which are no longer common hobbies with teenaged girls today. This is likely due to fashionable clothing being sold cheaply in supermarkets and high-street stores such as Primark and Asda. The popularity of teenage magazines is currently on the decline, with many once popular magazines no longer being published. This is possibly due to the fact that the features of teenage magazines such as celebrity gossip, hair and beauty tips and updates on the latest fashions are readily available on the internet. Even if a young girl finds herself in need of advice there are now websites such as Yahoo Answers, Girls Ask Guys and Answerbag where she will be able to get (possibly dubious) responses to her question quickly from a variety of people across the world and there is also websites set up by charities offering advice on more serious matters such as abuse, bullying, drugs and sexual health. It is also worth having a brief look at the context of the magazine’s existence, with the early-mid 1960s being a reasonable period of progress in Britain. In the nation of Labour leader Harold Wilson’s â€Å"white heat† † (Sandbrook, 2005:737) – a nation still getting over the war, but  proudly (if cautiously) advancing in what historian Dominic Sandbrook called â€Å"a new era of creativity and progress† (Sandbrook, 2005:737)– it is only natural that Britain’s young women would have a need for their own entertainment and place for advice. While it is true that this is not the intended focus of the essay, such a background should not be ignored, and may go some way towards explaining the magazine’s eventual demise(arguably, rebranding) in the very different world of the 1990s.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Tattoos Essay

In today’s world, it is not uncommon to see people covered in all types of body art, such as tattoos. Arms, legs, sometimes even faces, all painted with permanent ink. For what reason, some people ask. What’s the point having words, designs, or pictures permanently drawn onto your skin? I personally love tattoos; they’re an artistic way for people to express who they are and their originality. Tattoos are a way for people to showcase their inner differences. But the question is, where did tattooing start, and why? The word tattoo originates from the Tahitian word tattau, which means, â€Å"to mark.† An explorer James Cook, in his records from his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific, first mentioned this word. However, many scientists believe that the earliest known evidence of tattooing dates back 3300 B.C. due to 59 markings found on the skin of a mummified human body known as The Iceman (Demand Media Inc.). In 2160 B.C., tattooing became prevalent in Egypt. Several mummies displaying lines and dots tattooed all over their bodies have been recovered that date to as early as the XI Dynasty. Though these people had been mummified for thousands of years, the tattoo markings were still completely visible (Hemingson). The main reasons for these Egyptian tattoos are to connect with the Divine (like god, or God); as a tribute or act of sacrifice to a deity; as a talisman, a permanent amulet that cannot be los; or to provide magical or medical protection (Hemingson). Around 700 B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans began tattooing, but for an entirely different reason. The use of tattoos, or â€Å"stigmata† (marks upon the body, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ), were mainly used to mark someone as â€Å"belonging† either as a slave to an owner or to a religious sect or sometimes even as a disciplinary measure to mark people as criminals (Designboom). When the dynasty of Macedonian Greek monarchs ruled Egypt, the pharaoh Ptolemy IV was said to have had ivy leaves tattooed on himself. These leaves symbolized his devotion to the Greek god of wine, Dionysus. This fashion was also adopted by Roman soldiers, which then spread across the Roman Empire (Famento). During the rise of Christianity in 600 B.C., there was a widespread temporary standstill to tattooing in the Middle East and Europe. Saint Basil the Great, one of the most notable doctors of the Christian Church, warned: â€Å"No man shall let his hair grow long or tattoo himself as do the heathen, those apostles of Satan who make themselves despicable by indulging in lewd and lascivious thoughts. Do not associate with those who mark themselves with thorns and needles so that their blood flows to the earth† (Hemingson). During the gradual process of Christianization in Europe, tattoos were often considered remaining elements of paganism and generally legally prohibited. In the years 306-373, the Christian emperor Constantine completely banned tattoos. He felt that tattoos disfigured what was made in God’s image (Hemingson). Though this ban of tattoos was very powerful, it couldn’t completely eliminate tattooing from Europe or the Middle East. Tattooing worked its way back into these two religions between 500-1500 by holy pilgrims. During the Middle Ages, people would go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and the only proof that they had actually been there would be the tattoos they received from the Coptic priests. The basic tattoo the pilgrims usually returned with was a simple cross, but the more outgoing people returned with portraits of historical events from the bible inked into their skin (Hemingson). The earliest reference to British royalty being tattooed was King Harold II sometime between 1022 and1066. After King Harold II was killed in the Battle of Hastings, the only way his sister Edith could pick out which body was his was from the words ‘Edith’ and ‘England’ that were tattooed upon his chest (History of Tattooing). Tattooing started evolving into a form of art in the 1600’s. The Japanese word irezumi refers to the insertion of ink to the skin leaving a permanent, decorative mark, which in other words, means tattooing in how we see it today. Tattooed marks were still used as a punishment during this time, but there were fads of decorative tattoos coming and going throughout the years. The release of the popular Chinese novel Suikoden, a story of bravery illustrated with extravagant woodblock prints demonstrating heroic men with their bodies permanently painted with mythical creatures, flowers, and other images, inspired many people to get tattoos similar to what they had seen. Woodblock artists began tattooing their designs onto human flesh just the same as they would create their woodblock prints, using chisels, gouges, and ink known as Nara ink. This ink turns blue-green underneath the skin (Irezumi). Between 1766 and 1779, Captain James Cook voyaged out into the South Pacific three times After these voyages to Polynesia, Cook and his crew told stories of people covered in tattoos that they had seen, referring to them as â€Å"tattooed savages†. Cook’s Science Officer, Sr. Joseph Banks, returned to England with a tattoo. Many of Cook’s ordinary men came back with tattoos, a tradition that soon became associated with men of the sea. These sailors and seamen re-introduced Europe to tattooing (History of Tattooing). As soldiers and sailors began returning home from conquest and trade wearing tattoos in various places on their bodies in the early 1800’s, tattooing starting to become very popular among Western societies. These men had imitated the tattooing practices they had witnessed from the people of Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific. Ordinary working class men wore tattoos on their body to symbolize their pride (Hemingson). Also in the early 1800’s, doctors and others in the medical field began voicing their concerns of tattooing. Many doctors felt that tattoos could cause many complications to ones well-being. A leading doctor wrote about a woman who had died from an infection caused by a tattoo in 1837. In 1853 a physician reported the first case in which syphilis was transmitted by tattooing. Back in these days, tattoo artists had no knowledge that using the same needles for multiple customers without cleaning them spreads diseases. It wasn’t uncommon to clean off a fresh tattoo with saliva, tobacco juice, or even urine (Hemingson). Several tattoo artists found jobs in Washington DC during the Civil War. A man who was German born, Martin Hildebrandt, started his tattooing career in 1846 and was considered the best tattoo artist at that time. He tattooed military members from both Union and Confederate camps. In 1870, the first American tattoo studio was opened by Hildebrandt (Hemingson). Samuel O’Reily opened tattoo studio in 1875. During this time, tattoos were done by hand, using needles attached to a wooden handle. The tattoo artist would dip the needles in ink and move their hand up and down, puncturing the skin with 2-3 needles per second. Tattooing by hand was a very slow process, and required good manual skill. Since O’Reily was not only a great tattoo artist, but also a mechanic and technician, he began to work on a machine that could help speed up the tattooing process. O’Reily created a hand-held machine where the needles could move up and down automatically. This invention made tattooing as fluent as drawing. In 1981 O’Reily patented his invention and offered it for sale. Tattooing in the US was revolutionized over night. Sailors lined up to be tattooed by O’Reily and his apprentice Charles Wagner. At this point in time, over 80% of the US Navy was tattooed (Hemginson). During the Holocaust in 1939, concentration camp prisoners received tattoos at the Auschwitz concentration camp complex. Over 400,000 prisoners were assigned a serial number and branded, or tattooed, with that number (History of Tattooing). In 1961, New York City banned tattoos and tattoo parlors due to a hepatitis outbreak. This ban wasn’t lifted until 1997. Recently, many towns in New Jersey have removed the bans to avoid legal challenges and have applied rules to regulate tattooing (James). Starting in the 1990’s, tattoos had started being linked to the American fine art world. The number of academy trained artists entering the tattooing profession seemed to be growing each year, doubling since the 1980’s. Art schools and programs started turning out more trained artists than the mainstream art world could absorb, so many art school graduates migrated towards the tattooing industry (Hemingson). It is apparent that tattooing has been widely practiced in all parts of the globe, dating back to ancient times. Throughout history, tattooing, as well as other types of body art, has been related to religion, emotions, inner expression, and even punishment. Tattooing has occurred and still occurs in cultures everywhere and is widely popular in todays American society.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Animal Farm Essay Example for Free (#9)

Animal Farm Essay Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory written in 1943. It was also made into a TV film version in 1999 directed by John Stephenson, produced by Greg Smith and Robert Halmi and distributed by Hallmark Films. Animal Farm is a deceitfully simple story about a group of farm animals who are tired of living in a dystopia caused by humans. They rebel and create their own way of life, only to find themselves back in a dystopia caused by animals. The film follows the plot line of the novel closely but changes some major details. While the film and the novel Animal Farm are basically one in the same and have similar plot lines, the film had less detail, while the novel was thoroughly detailed. The differences between the film and the novel were points of view, exposition and major plots. Orwell tells the story of Animal Farm through a third person, omniscient point of view. The narrator is never involved in the action of the story, but knows everything. This point of view allows readers to see into the minds of the characters and understand their motivations. The film is told by a narrator, a character in the novel, Jessie. It explains the film in a way that she sees everything occurring. It also stops most of the dialogue between the animals and they don’t really talk like they do in the novel. Another difference between the novel and film is the exposition, which gives background information on the plot. In the novel, some of the events that occur in Animal Farm’s exposition play important roles later on in the novel. In the novels exposition, Orwell describes many of the animals that are important to the novel. In the films exposition, very little time is spent on developing the characters of the important animals. Also, the song Beasts of England is not sung in the exposition, unlike the novel, this song plays a very pivotal role later on in the novel. In the film, they don’t know the characters very well and the animals don’t really sing it, they hum it. This takes away from the mood of the song. The movie is merely an adaptation of the novel into film, so almost all the events that take place in the novel will take place in the film. Another difference between the novel and film is the major plot differences. The novel and film follow the same plot line but there are some major differences. In the novel, Old Major died about 3 days after his speech from natural causes. While in the film, Mr. Jones shoots Old Major minutes after his speech, while they’re reciting the Beasts of England song. In the novel, all of the animals could speak while in the film it was arrated by Jessie which cut the dialogue of most of the animals. The end of the film and novel differ greatly. In the novel, the animals are sadly dominated by Napolean. But in the film they somehow overthrow his power and finally bond together for another attempt at a utopia. The film covered major ideas but missed some details, characters, and small stuff that made the novel so interesting. It’s quite apparent that there are many significant differences between Animal Farm the novel and the film. There are a number of differences between the use of point of view, the exposition, and the major plots. Animal Farm is a simple story about a group of farm animals who overthrew their human dictators and their animal counterpart who dictated them also. The novel was very detailed and had many characters which made it very interesting. While the film had less details, and characters which made it a little dull, and boring. These are my comparisons of the film and novel called Animal Farm. Animal Farm. (2017, Feb 02). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Global marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global marketing management - Essay Example The researcher states that in the era of globalization, a company with a good financial and non-financial base will certainly think about the expansion of the company overseas. If they can expand their customer base, it would be more profitable for them, when the long run of the business is concerned. The companies have to design efficient strategies to ensure that their new venture in overseas country is generate a good return for them in a long-term basis. Hilton food group Plc is in the retail meat packing business in Europe. They are the supplier of the major food retailers of Europe who have global presence. The group has presence in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Central Europe, Sweden and Denmark. The group wants to expand its business in more countries and subsequently wants to broaden their customer base. Internationalization mainly occurs when a firm decides to expand its R&D, selling production and other related business activities in the international markets. A company expands the operation globally if the management feel it is viable for them financially or non-financially. If the management finds opportunity in a country then they opt for expanding its business there. At first, they identify the customer needs in the new country. If the company has the ability to meet the customer needs then they take the decision to expand their operations in that country. If they identify that, the labour cost is less in the new country is lower than the country where they are currently operating then they would like to expand their business in the country. ... If they identify that, the labour cost is less in the new country is lower than the country where they are currently operating then they would like to expand their business in the country (Tan and Mahoney, 2002, pp.20-24). When a company is trying to moving towards to some lower development country, then there is the chance to expand the product life cycle. The company will also get the chance to expand the customer base and as a result, the economies of scale of the company will improve. The vision of Hilton food group plc is continuing their global expansion as it is their strategic goal. They have done the expansion in the recent years also. In the year 2010, they have expanded their operations in Estonia (Hilton Group Food Plc, 2010, p.5). The company has subsidiaries in Ireland, Holland (Financial Analysis Made Easy-1, 2012). The idea of international expansion is as per the vision of the company. Their purpose of going global is increasing the customer base of the company so th at they can gain the economies of scale. Market Opportunities For analyzing their market opportunities, the researcher has to go through their products, which they offer. They are the suppliers of packaged foods to the retailers of Europe. The clients of Hilton food group includes Tesco Plc, Albert Hejin, Ahold etc (Hilton Food Group Plc, 2012), who are among the top players of the retail sector. They are specialist in non-vegetarian foods like meat products, fish products including the provisions of freezer (Financial Analysis Made Easy-2, 2012). They have no branded product, which means that they manufacture the products when they have not any recognition to the retail customers. It is concluded by the researcher that the clients of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Do Women Have Better Color Vision than Men Essay

Do Women Have Better Color Vision than Men - Essay Example Females have better connections and additional frequent communication between their brain's halves. This accounts for women's knack to have better insight. Men's brains are planned to chasing, which explicates their contracted scale of vision, while women's brains are capable to interpret a broader range of information. In the 1980s, vision examiners started to get some genuine physical discrepancies between the eyes of many women and those of most men. "Normal" color vision is doable because usually human have three different sorts of cone cells in their eyes, each one of which reacts to a different wavelength of beam. The procedure is principally opposite to that of a television set or computer monitor mechanism: on a TV, there are three colored marks - blue, green, and red - and a wide variety of "colors" we see are based on combinations of different degree of those colors. In the eye, cone cells comprises of three different photo tinctures. These are typically generalized as blue, green, and red, but their concrete values are nearer to bluish violet, green, and yellowish green. To keep away from mystification, psychologists characteristically refer to them to long-, medium, and short-wavelength receptive cones. For example, we are looking at a yellowish-green object, the long-wavelength cones are provoked the most, the medium-wavelength cones are kindled a bit, whereas the short-wavelength cones are not revived by any means, and the apposite signal is passed along the optic nerve to the mind, which then identifies the color as "yellowish-green." What the researchers were verdict when they truly looked at the structure of the eye is that most of the women - possibly more than fifty percent - owned a fourth picture pigment. Was this purely a genetic irregularity The premature research recommended that it would not. There is no superiority in women at deciding whether two very alike color scraps were in fact the same. They were only to some extent better than men at perceiving subtle marks of red light, a truth researchers accredited to individual distinction. On the other hand, Jameson and her companions were not influenced by this substantiation. Young girls are better at designating colors than boys, and matured men are not as fine at color-naming compared to women. They experienced the presented measures of color understanding and color-matching did not detain all the discrepancies between men and women, and formulated a new research that they felt was more correspond to real-world vision. (Deeb, 1996) It's to a certain extent complicated to observe an eye to conclude if it has an extra photo pigment - the method generally involves confiscating an eye itself. Jameson and her age group members may perhaps have had just a bit of intricacy recruiting volunteers to take part in a research involving such severe measures, so as an alternative they used a genetic examination to decide how many different photo pigments applicants were expected to possess and they guess this estimate this practice to be about 90 percent correct (Mollon, 2000). Out of 64 contestants in the research, 26 women were have 4 photo pigments, 16 of them were women with 3 photo pigments and 22 were males with 3 photo pigm

Ibn Jubayr and Islam in the West Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ibn Jubayr and Islam in the West - Assignment Example Menocal (2002) notes that he therefore wanted to show the importance of Islam in his bid to woo more people into it and salvage the situation (p. 54-61). Across his travels, Jubayr points at the practices which were being practiced yet they were not acceptable in the Muslim teachings. For example, while talking about the Palemo Muslims, he notes that they have teachers in their Madrasas yet the same practiced as merchants. He condemned the act. It is important to note that Jubayr condemns most Christian practices and personalities. According to Bush-Joseph (2012), for instance he describes King Baldwin IV and his mother as pig and sow respectively due to their actions in maintaining Jerusalem and Acre under Christian control (p. 43). However, he shows religious tolerance when describing King William whom he says is admirable for his just conduct (p. 44). This shows that his condemnation of some Christian aspects is not biased as he is fast to note when there is anything to be commended about the same group. Looking at his work, he has critically addressed the significant of the Muslim religion in the west during his travels and interaction with the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fossils and their interpretations essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fossils and their interpretations - Essay Example Several paleontologists have managed to collect close to 2000 Eusthenopteron specimens, which have been effective at providing room for the detailed study of this species. Basing on the anatomy, Eusthenopteron shares several unique features that are common with some earliest known tetrapods. The largest individual was capable of growing up to 1.8 meters in length, while is also shares the similar pattern of the skull roofing bones with other forms, such as Ichthyostaga and Acanthostega. Eusthenopteron like any other tetrapodomorph fisheries had internal nostrils, which are only found in the land animals. From this fossil, one can develop a thesis that all creatures developed from a transition of other creatures. The image of this fossil is as shown below; Figure: Eusthenopteron foordi. University Museum of Zoology Cambridge specimen GN. 786. Scale bar is 10 millimeters. Photograph by JAC Pathologists Jennifer A. Clack (2002) believes that Eusthenopteron showed some characteristics of crawling across the dry landscape with the help of its fore fins while moving around. This fossil also shows that it had labyrinthodont teeth, which are characterized by the infolded enamel, which also characterizes the rest of earliest known tetrapods as well. ... The appendicular long bones of this fossil shows that it had some epiphyseal growth plates that were essential at allowing substancial longitudinal growth through the endochondral ossification, as similar to the case of tetrapod long bones. The genus has six appendicular bones that also occur in tetrapods and are thus a synapomorphy of the large clade of sarcopterygians, which is also possibly the subclass Tetrapodomorpha. This genus also lacks some superficial odontodes on its elasmoid scales, which are composed of the dentine and enamel. The lack of such similarities implies that there is a synapornorphy with more crownward tetrapodomorphs. The genus Eusthenopteron also differs from the later Carboniferous tetrapods basing on the apparent absence of some recognized larval stage and the definitive metamorphosis. But on the even smallest known specimens of the Eusthenopteron foordi, when it attains a length of 29mm, the lepidotrichia is able to cover all the fins, which on the contra ry do not happen with after metamorphosis occurs in the genera like Polyodon. This has the implication of stating that Eusthenopteron developed directly, with its hatching already managing to attain the general body of the adult species. This therefore implies that Palaeospondylus gunni might not have been the larva of Eusthenopteron. The author responds to these claims about Eusthenopteron with some sort of analysis. There are emerging issues that now, nearly 20 years of which this subject has undergone a renaissance; there is much enriched fossil record to draw implications from. However, much of this recent work is yet to reflect on the popularity of the accounts on this subject. There is some assumption that Devonian tetrapods and the respective close fish relatives originate

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human Resources Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resources Questions - Coursework Example These barriers often prevented the access of women or needful people in the rightful-places such as in educational institutions or for employment. Affirmative action was the result of the slavery and the injustice done by the white race towards the Anglo-Americans. The citizens of America got opportunities of employment and education on the basis of their color code. The term affirmative action comes from the age old concept of equity or justice. The discrimination done between the black and the white and injustice of the ruling class of America in the twentieth century was the cause for affirmative order. After Barrack Obama became the president of America, it was felt that the affirmative action was no longer required. This is because it became clear from the fact that the citizens, the country and its governing body has understood the importance of providing equal opportunity to people round the world in their country for employment and for getting into educational institutions or other rightful places. This is the actual meaning of globalization (Rubio, 2001, p. 1-2). Generally it is seen that that the performance appraisal depends on the feedback of the employees or the superiors of the company, but the advent of teamwork, training and development of the employees and customer services have shifted the focus of collecting feedback just from employees and superiors to the customers, peer groups and even subordinates as shown in figure 1. This is also called multiple feedback approach for conducting performance appraisal and it is also called 360 degree evaluation. Several past research have shown that 360 degree method of evaluation is accurate, reliable and authentic source of information. In this method the supervisors, subordinates, peers, customers are included to assess the performance of an employee. Considering the organizational culture and the mission of the company,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Poe manipulates the story to suit his needs through the use of the point of view presented in the form of first-person narration.   The central narrator, Montressor, presents the story at a personal point of view. The readers’ opinion is corrupted by the narrator’s perception towards Fortunato. The opening line of the story is meant to lure the readers into supporting his actions, â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge†. The use of central narrator affects the emotional attachment that the reader feels upon a character. His attempt to capture readers’ support is strategic. However, readers do not understand what Fortunato had done to the narrator or if the narrator is trying to create a scene in his mind. The reader becomes even more confused because all the story events are brought to the fore by the narrator. Montresor takes advantage of the narration role to justify his actions as well as changing the readers’ attitude towards Fortunato.   The story is told from the narrator’s point of view to increase the depravity and remorse that the reader feels. The narrator tries to divert the reader away from realizing the perverseness of his behavior. He suggests that walling-off Fortunato brings satisfaction.   The narrator is successful in walling-off Fortunato in a cordial manner without struggle or resistance being put-up by Fortunato, â€Å"The Amontillado!’ ejaculated my friend, not yet recovered from his astonishment† (532). If the author had Fortunato resist or show any anger, the act could have negatively affected the reader’s mood. The impact of the scene is further enhanced through narration by the immediate sobering up of Fortunato, â€Å"It was not the cry of a drunken man† (532). Use of central narration indicates that the story revolves around the in ner terror and the innate evil that exists in people. It allows the readers peer inside the narrators, as well as the author’s, mind and condition. Use of first person narration is related to the idea that telling the story from the victim’s perspective would not portray the memorable qualities to the readers’ attention. The narrator is able to bring out the true clarity of the dark tale, chilling suspense and invite the reader’s into the calculating and icy mind of Montresor. The detailed first person narration reveals the author’s intention of making the readers judge the narrator; not sympathize with him. First person narration is used to show that revenge is impossible due to a man’s inner self. This style also allows the reader to understand the character’s inner struggles and decisions, â€Å"You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however that I gave utterance to a threat† (528). The use of a character’s point of view is poetic because it brings-out various themes such as brutality and insensitivity. The narration helps in the expression of the author’s inner most feelings in relation to the main theme of the literary article. The use of the first person narration by Poe portrays some aspects of meta-fiction traits. Most of the ideas being asserted by the narrator emanates from the author. The story narration could be a confession or the narrator could be bragging. Otherwise, why shoul d it be back dated for half a century? Additionally, he exclaims, â€Å"In pace requiescat!† at the end of the story (533). This indicates that he could be comforting his soul after making a fifty year old confession. Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson is also a first person narration that invokes controversy. This is because it presents a multidimensional and complex view of a concept that is mysterious to most readers: death. Just like in the case of The Cask of Amontillado by Poe, the author seems to express his feelings and inner thoughts through

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast Essay People are always looking forward to their vacation period. There are many options where to choose. I think that the three most common places people choose for taking a vacation are the beach, mountain, and an amusement park. All three places offer a variety of fun activities. The beach offers activities that the mountain or amusement park cannot offer and vice versa. All three places are totally different. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the climate, types of activities and locations of beaches, mountains, and amusement parks. First of all, the three aspects I’m going to discuss about the mountains are climate, types of activities and location. Climate is always important in order to enjoy vacations. If a person dislikes cold weather, he or she might have a hard time in the mountains. The cold climate in the mountains is the first barrier to enjoying them. As I said before, many people don’t enjoy cold temperatures. The climate and the temperature of these zones are what determine the types of activities they offer. Snowboarding, mountain climbing, mountain biking, hiking, and skiing are some of the activities people can enjoy when going to the mountains. There are many regions that have mountains where people can go and have a great vacation. Canada is a country located in North America and full of mountain vacation sites. Inside Canada there are many interesting places where people can go and have fun. Second of all, the three aspects I’m going to discuss about the beach are climate, types of activities and location. Warm climate is one of the most important features that the beach has. Sun and fun are two words that describe the beach. The temperature in those places is always hot. The sea and the warm climate determine the activities that are available at the beach. People can swim, play volleyball, play soccer, and ride water bikes. In most of the coastal sites, there are discos and restaurants where people can dance or party throughout the night. Mexico offers many amazing coastal sites to visit. Acapulco and Cancun are two of the most beautiful and famous beaches in the world. Last but not the least, the three aspects I’m going to discuss about amusement parks are climate, types of activities and location. The climate for an amusement park is almost always hot. If a person doesn’t want to go home with sun burns then the amusement park would not be the place for them. Finally, it doesn’t matter what place a person decides to choose. The fun is 100% guaranteed. People often choose one of these three options to spend their vacations. Depending on what the person likes is what he or she will choose. I like amusement parks better than the mountains or the beach, but sometimes it is better to take a risk and try different places to enjoy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Classification of bacteria

Classification of bacteria Bacteria Bacteria is a broad term for a famous type of single-celled micro organisms, There are thousands of species of bacteria. They actually have their own domain, which is called Bacteria. Domain is a new set of groups (Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.). Bacteria is a Group of microscopic, single-celled microorganisms that inhabit virtually all environments, including water, soil, organic matters, and the bodies of plants and animals. Bacteria are distinguished in part by their genetic and morphological features; for instance, they may have spiral, spherical or rod like shapes. Bacteria are so widespread that it is possible only to make the most general statements about their life history and ecology. Bacteria are found on the tops of high mountains, the bottom of the deepest oceans, in the body of animals, and even in the frozen ice. Their ability to go dormant for an extended period is the main reason of their wide spread Gram satin: Bacteria can be divided into two main groups, gram-positive or gram-negative, based on the structure of their cell wall and their reaction to thegram stain. The cell walls of the gram-positive bacteria are very thick and consists of peptidoglycan ( a complex polymer that consist of 2 unusual types of amino sugars linked to short polypeptides.while, gram-negative bacteria, their cell walls are consist of 2 layers: a thin peptidoglycan wall and a thick outer membrane.(the outer membrane actually resembles the plasma membrane but it is less permeable and composed of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a harmful substance classified as an endotoxin) Falgella: Many bacteria swim by means of flagella which is composed of flagellin protein and it is responsible for the motility of the bacteria, bacteria may have a single flagellum at one pole(monotricate) or single flagellum at each pole(amphitricate) or as tuft of flagella at one or both poles (lophotricate) or may be disturbed over the entire cell(periticate).Bacteria with no flagella is called atricate bacteria. DNA: Bacterias DNA isnt found within amembrane inclosed neucles they are usually found in a single circularchromosomeand is distributed throughout thecytoplasm. Respiration: Most bacteria may be placed into one of three groups based on their response to gaseous oxygen,whether its aerobic, anaerobic or facultative anarobe. Aerobic bacteria are those how can survive only in the presences of oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria cannot tolerate gaseous oxygen, such as those bacteria which live in deep underwater sediments, or those which cause bacterial food poisoning. The third group are thefacultative anaerobes, which prefer growing in the presence of oxygen, but can continue to grow without it. Sources of energy: Bacteria may also be classified both by the mode by which they obtain their energy. Classified by the source of their energy, bacteria fall into two categories: heterotrophs and autotrophs Heterotrophs derive energy from breaking down complex organic compounds that they must take in from the environment this includes saprobic bacteria found in decaying material, as well as those that rely onfermentationorrespiration. The other group, theautotrophs, fix carbon dioxide to make their own food source; this may be fueled by light energy (photoautotrophic), or by oxidation of nitrogen, sulfur, or other elements (chemoautotrophic). While chemoautotrophs are uncommon, photoautotrophs are common and quite diverse. They include the cyanobacteria, green sulfur bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria, and purple nonsulfur bacteria. The sulfur bacteria are particularly interesting, since they use hydrogen sulfide as hydrogen donor, instead of water like most other photosynthetic organisms, including cyanobacteria. Shapes: There are seven main groups of bacteria, classified according to their shape.Two of the seven types make up the majority of all bacteria. They can be classified as follows: Cocci The gram positive cocci include the well known species Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. Bacteria from both species are considered as friendly bacteria; they are useful and they have functions in the human body and in the environment. Some species can also be pathogenic. Staphylococcus aureus can cause impetigo and scalded skin syndrome, food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. Streptococcus pyogenes is the culprit usually responsible for tonsillitis and severe sore throats (strep throat), but many other infections maybe caused by it. There are two main types of gram negative cocci, both belongs to the genus Neisseria. Neisseria meningitidis causes a form of meningitis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes the gonorrhea infection(a sexually transmitted infection ). The two species are more commonly called the meningococcus and the gonococcus. Bacilli Gram positive bacilli include Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which causes diphtheria, Listeria monocytogenes, found in unpasteurized dairy products and responsible for dangerous infectious in pregnant women, and bacteria from the species Lactobacillus, friendly bacteria found in the gut. This group also includes two of the most dangerous types of bacteria known ever. One of them is the Bacillus species that causes anthrax, and the other one is Clostridium. One Clostridium species causes tetanus, another leads to botulism, it causes food poisoning. Gram negative bacilli are a large and varied group that are divided into different categories. The Entrobacteria include many species that cause food poisoning in humans E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, and also the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis. The Vibrio group contain bacteria that are shaped more like commas than rods and include the bug that is responsible for cholera. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is also a gram negative bacillus. This bacterium has been identified in the last 25 years as a major cause of stomach ulcers. Other gram negative bacilli are Bordetella pertussis, which causes whooping cough, Haemophila influenza which causes pneumonia, , and Brucella bacteria, which are associated with brucellosis in cattle. The last group is the Bacteroides, a species of bacteria that are very common in the human gut. In fact, they make up a quarter of the dead bacteria in faeces. Why do we Classify Bacteria? The major advantage of the classification of bacteria is to make identification easier. There are many biochemical tests that can separate the different groups and the different species, enabling physicians to make an accurate diagnosis of bacterial infections. Refrences:;_ylt=AsS0ifALPm4qGWglSNvbTQgjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071007172608AApA2q8

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Healthy Living Essay -- Health essays research papers

Health is described as physical and mental well-being and freedom from disease, pain or defect. However, such descriptions only superficially define the actual meaning of health. There may be many occasions when individuals are not necessarily ill or in pain but may be overweight, stressed or emotionally unstable. Health is a quality of life involving dynamic interaction and interdependence among the individual’s physical state, their mental and emotional reactions, and the social context in which the individual exists. There are many factors that influence your health, but three major components contribute to general well-being: Self-awareness, a balanced diet and, regular physical activity. In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential that individuals constantly monitor their health. This involves not only physical, but also mental and emotional aspects of the body’s functioning, as they relate to the home, school, work, and leisure environments. If necessary changes are made sooner rather than later, then a stable, balanced and healthy lifestyle will be more consistently maintained. In fact, the World Health Organization says being healthy is feeling that there are few physical or emotional impediments to doing things in your life that you would like. For example, there are many people who are suffering from chronic illnesses who are healthy because they are able to maintain their creativity and vivacity when others cannot. It is evident that self-awareness enc...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Faustus Study and Opening Speech -- Doctor Faustus Plays English Lite

Faustus' Study and Opening Speech The scene now shifts to Faustus’s study, and Faustus’s opening speech about the various fields of scholarship reflects the academic setting of the scene. In proceeding through the various intellectual disciplines and citing authorities for each, he is following the dictates of medieval scholarship, which held that learning was based on the authority of the wise rather than on experimentation and new ideas. This soliloquy, then, marks Faustus’s rejection of this medieval model, as he sets aside each of the old authorities and resolves to strike out on his own in his quest to become powerful through magic. As is true throughout the play, however, Marlowe uses Faustus’s own words to expose Faustus’s blind spots. In his initial speech, for example, Faustus establishes a hierarchy of disciplines by showing which are nobler than others. He does not want merely to protect men’s bodies through medicine, nor does he want to protect their property through law. He wants higher things, and so he proceeds on to religion. There, he quotes selectively from the New Testament, picking out only those passages that make Christianity appear in a negative light. He reads that â€Å"[t]he reward of sin is death,† and that â€Å"[i]f we say we that we have no sin, / We deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us† (1.40–43). The second of these lines comes from the first book of John, but Faustus neglects to read the very next line, which states, â€Å"If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteo usness† (1 John 1:9). Thus, through selective quoting, Faustus makes it seem as though religion promises only death and not forgiveness, and so he easily rejects religion with a fatalistic â€Å"What will be, shall be! Divinity, adieu!† (1.48). Meanwhile, he uses religious language—as he does throughout the play—to describe the dark world of necromancy that he enters. â€Å"These metaphysics of magicians / And necromantic books are heavenly† (1.49–50), he declares without a trace of irony. Having gone upward from medicine and law to theology, he envisions magic and necromancy as the crowning discipline, even though by most standards it would be the least noble. Faustus is not a villain, though; he is a tragic hero, a protagonist whose character flaws lead to his downfall. Marlowe imbues him with tragic gr... but down, into mediocrity. There is no sign that Faustus himself is aware of the gulf between his earlier ambitions and his current state. He seems to take joy in his petty amusements, laughing uproariously when he confounds the horse-courser and leaping at the chance to visit the Duke of Vanholt. Still, his impending doom begins to weigh upon him. As he sits down to fall asleep, he remarks, â€Å"What art thou, Faustus, but a man condemned to die?† (10.24). Yet, at this moment at least, he seems convinced that he will repent at the last minute and be saved—a significant change from his earlier attitude, when he either denies the existence of hell or assumes that damnation is inescapable. â€Å"Christ did call the thief upon the cross,† he comforts himself, referring to the New Testament story of the thief who was crucified alongside Jesus Christ, repented for his sins, and was promised a place in paradise (10.28). That he compares himself to this figure shows that Faustus assumes that he can wait until the last moment and still escape hell. In other words, he wants to renounce Mephastophilis, but not just yet. We can easily anticipate that his willingness to delay will prove fatal.

Comic and Tragic Elements in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five Essay

Comic and Tragic Elements in Slaughterhouse Five    Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., is the tale of a World War II soldier, Billy Pilgrim. His wartime experiences and their effects lead him to the ultimate conclusion that war is unexplainable. To portray this effectively, Vonnegut presents the story in two dimensions: historical and science-fiction. The irrationality of war is emphasized in each dimension by contrasts in its comic and tragic elements. The historical seriousness of the Battle of the Bulge and the bombing of Dresden are contrasted by many ironies and dark humor; the fantastical, science-fiction-type place of Tralfamadore is, in truth, an outlet for Vonnegut to show his incredibly serious fatalistic views. The surprising variations of the seriousness and light-heartedness allow Vonnegut to show effectively that war is absurd. The most important historical plot strand of Slaughterhouse-Five is Billy Pilgrim's war experience which occurs during the last six months of World War II. This plot strand follows Billy through the Battle of the Bulge and his presence as a POW during the bombing of Dresden, Germany. Vonnegut contrasts these documented milestones with incredible amounts of dramatic irony and dark humor. This provides the plot with not only comic relief, but examples of absurdities which parallel the message of the insanity of war. Billy, standing at a lanky six-foot two, is introduced in the middle of a Luxembourg forest during the Battle of the Bulge. He, along with two infantry scouts and an antitank gunner named Roland Weary, have been separated from their platoon and are alone in enemy territory. In contrast to the two scouts, who are quiet and swiftly moving through the fo... ...mbolized fatalism and the Garden of Eden. Vonnegut gives a compelling account of the horrors of war using intricate, clever story-telling techniques, bringing together the extremes between truth (historical facts) and science fiction (futuristic imagination). He uses the extraordinary technique of combining the dark humor of Billy's views of World War II with the serious message from the figment of madness of Tralfamadore to show the inexplicable occurrences of war and its repercussions. This ingenious combination leads to a unique tale that is timeless and interesting, that brings the story of Dresden, of Tralfamadore, and of Billy Pilgrim, into the public eye. Works and Sources Cited Merrill, Robert. ed. Critical Essays on Kurt Vonnegut.   Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. Vonnegut, Kurt.   Slaughterhouse-Five.   New York: Dell Publishing, 1968.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


The perks of being a wallflower The Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is about a boy named Charlie he finds a group of friends sort of like him, who became his friends and introduced him into experience common to many teens. His new group of friends gives Charlie something precious he has never had before: a sense of belonging because he is a lonely teen. For example, Charlie is lonely when he is at home â€Å"it has been very lonely because my sister is busy being the oldest one in our family. My brother is busy being a football player at pen state† (pg 8).He clearly wants to spend time with his family because he loves them. He doesn’t want to be alone. Charlie speaks about his life and says â€Å"so, this is my life and I want you to know that Im both happy and sad and Im trying to figure out how out how that could be† (pg 2). There are certain things that make him sad and happy he wants to know what those things are but Cant. â€Å"In the silence , I remembered this one time that I never told anybody about the time we were walking. Just the three of us. And I was in the middle†¦I just remember walking between them feeling for the first time that I belonged some where† (pg 198).When Charlie is alone he was thinking about how lonely he was and how he felt that he mattered and wasn’t a lone. I think Stephen Chbosky did a good job showing all the emotions and feelings Charlie had because a lot of people and relate to how he is feeling. According to the mental health foundation research shows that one in then people often feel lonely (11%) and half think that people are getting lonelier in general (48%) the report says the way people now live is impacting on their ability to connect with others.More people live alone: The percentage of households occupied by one person doubled from 64% in 1972 to 12% in 2008. (1) In recent years, social psychologist has expressed concern about the friendless male. Many studies h ave concluded that women have better relational skills which help them to be more successful at making and keeping friends. Women on the other hand, are more likely than men to express their emotions and display empathy and compassion in response to the emotions of others. (2) The effects of depression, suicide, drug addiction, alcohol addiction and acute and chronic illness. 3) Many people who are lonely can get help from doing research or going to a professional doctor who can help them they can also try to socialize with family or friends. The Perks of Being a Wallflower shows a boy who deals with loneliness and how he tries to make friends. Feeling alone is bad for your health and if you feel alone you should talk to someone about it and get help. Sources: 1) http://m. ivy-rose. co. uk/Articles/modern-life-leading-to-loneliness 2) http://www. leaderu. com/orgs/probe/docs/lonely. html 3) http://www. psychologistanywhereanytime. com/realationships_psychologist/psychologist_lonelin ess. htm

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Story

I was fidgeting in my seat in the airplane.   It was night time, but I could not sleep.   Beside me, my papa was sound asleep.   I stared outside the window.   The night sky was full of stars.   I felt like I was riding on a magic carpet ride to my new home.   Then, the memories began play right before my very eyes.I cannot forget that day when mama and papa told me that we were moving to the United States.   I had just got home from school.   They were so happy and excited about it.   I thought that I would be as well.   But instead, I was dumbfounded.   I didn’t know how to react.   Should I be happy like them?   Or should I feel sad.   I didn’t quite understand.   But then again, I have always been told that I have been that way.   After all, I was a teenager.   Aren’t all teenagers prone to conflicting and overwhelming emotions happening all at one time?I went to my room and stared blankly at the walls.   It was only then t hat it began to sink in.   I was going to America!   I felt a smile forming on my lips. America! The land of opportunity!   The country that, up to this moment, I have only seen in television and in the movies!   Finally, I would be a part of it.   I would be the envy of many of my friends.   After all, who doesn’t want to go to America and be a part of it?Then it hit me.   My friends!   Yes, they would be envious.   I would be in going to the place of awesome beaches, actors and actresses, models, fashion, everything.   But, it would also mean that I would have to bid goodbye to them.   Sure, there will be the Internet for me to e-mail them, chat with them and perhaps for a moment even see them and hear their voices.   But, it wouldn’t be the same.The laughter, the parties, the sorrows, the moments when we would just hang out and bond with each other and dream about the future and what we wanted to become, that will be all gone.   Ã‚  I felt a pang in my heart.   Already I miss them.   I wonder what they were doing now.   Already I am miles away from them.   They are probably asleep in their beds, looking forward to another day in school.   I had let out a sigh as I felt my eyelids become heavy and then slowly drifting away into slumber.The Harsh RealityFor the next few weeks, my parents and I did what every family who comes to America would do.   We visited almost every single tourist destination that we knew and go to.   We went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, anywhere.   At the end of each day, my digital camera’s memory was filled up and I would send the pictures to my friends in Taiwan.   They would e-mail me telling me how lucky I was to be here in America.   How they wish they could enjoy the things that I am enjoying now.   I never mentioned it in my e-mails to them, but deep down whenever they would tell me about the parties they went to and the things that we used to do.Mama and Papa enrolled me at the University High School in Irvine.   Once again, the mixed feelings came to me.   I was excited to go to school.   I have seen in television that American teenagers are always welcoming and nice.   They would always make you feel at home.   They will accept me for me.   But I was also scared.   I only knew very little English.   I was afraid that I might be left out because I could barely talk to them.But mama and papa assured me that it was going to be okay.   I have always been able to make friends easily in Taiwan.   So, it won’t be that difficult for me to be able to make new friends and things would be like back in Taiwan.   It would just take some getting used to.   I would be able to adapt to school in no time.   After all, there are a lot of Asians here in California.   As I neared my school, I felt butterflies in my stomach fluttering all over the place.   Here goes nothing, I said to myself .As I walked through the school grounds, everyone seemed to have known each other for a very long time.   On every side of the walkway, there were groups of girls and boys chattering and laughing.   As I passed them, some of the boys began to stare at me and point at me.   Their gaze made me feel so awkward.   Why were they looking at me that way? I wondered.   I concentrated my eyes to the concrete ground I was walking on.   Yet, their gaze seemed to be bearing down on me.   Then I heard the bell ring.Everyone began to make their way towards the long corridors and through the classrooms.   I felt a couple of people bump me as they ran passed.   It made me feel more awkward.   Did they bump me on purpose or because they were just hurrying to class?   I didn’t know.   I tried myself to believe that they were just in a rush that was why they bumped into me.   Americans are very much into equality and they have always been nice.   But something inside me was telling me otherwise.Then the reality came in when in my first class.   I was asked to introduce myself.   I stood in front of class and introduced myself.   As I did, I noticed some of the boys were snickering from the back of the room.   Others were looking at each other smiling at each other.   I was trembling.   I could not go back to my seat any faster than I wanted to.   Again, the feeling of eyes bearing down my neck came back.   I felt that I just wanted to disappear.   Every class it was the same.   When I got home, mama asked me how did my day went.   She looked so happy.   I didn’t want to tell her.   All I just said was it went okay, and I headed to my room.Over the next few weeks, things just went from bad to worse.   Some of them would mimic how I talk and those who would watch will burst out into laughter.   In times that some would try to talk to me, I thought that things would get better.   But when they did, they spoke to me mimicking my accent and would walk away, laughing.   It became harder and harder for me to go to school and having to face all of these.   I felt angry and ashamed of myself because I was different.   I knew that they were mocking me because I was different and that I could not speak English that well.I began to regret coming to America.   Why did we have to leave Taiwan?   If we just stayed, I would not have to go through this.   I began to long for my friends who were halfway around the world.   How I wish they were here with me.   They would have comforted me and would be there for me as I go through each and every single day of torment.In dinner, my papa asked me how did my day go.   It was then that I exploded.   I told them I did not like it here.   I wanted to go back home to Taiwan and stormed out of my room.The Turning PointShortly, after my outburst, my mama came into my room.   She sat beside me.   She placed her hand on my shoulder.  Ã¢ €Å"Son,† she said, softly in our native language, â€Å"I know you are having a hard time fitting in, even if you had never spoken about it.   But, you have to be strong.   Many people in Taiwan would do anything to be where we are now.   You can overcome this, my son.   We are here to support you.   Believe in yourself that you can do it.   If you give up, then the battle is completely lost without you trying.†Ã‚   With that, she left the room and me with my thoughts.Looking back, what she told me had been the turning point of my life.   I began to learn English on my own.   I tried my best to excel in class and I did.   Slowly, the boys and girls who used to taunt me began to talk to me and began to invite me to seat with them during lunch.   I even developed friendships with a few of them.People have always said that it is in college when you will have a taste of the real world.   In my case, I had my taste when I was in college.   I learned that the world can be a tough, cruel world to live in.   People will mock you and taunt you and criticize you because of the color of your skin, or because you talk differently.   The experiences I had gone through in high school had made me stronger, and it had taught me a valuable lesson.   For as long as I believe in myself, I can accomplish anything.   As I continue my road towards my desired career, I would never forget the lessons I had learned about myself in high school.   It is not what only makes me unique.   It has also made me more prepared for whatever the future has in store.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Tesco Case Analysis

Tests had an In store policy that a new checkout line would be opened If there was m re than 1 person waiting In line and they were pioneers In self service checkout terminal. Tests was also innovative with its store formats. Tests stores ranges in size and service fro m; Express, Metro, Superstore, Extra, and Homeless. Tests used consumer purchase data to tailor assortments to local customer needs. Tests also increased the amount of non food items they stocked to include a clothing line.The Club card, which offered cash back rewards and redeemable vouchers, was successful In creating loyalty among Its consumer. Tests proved successful In International operations by expanding Into emerging entries with minimal competition such as those in Eastern Europe and Asia. It AC aired smaller, established retailers and kept local management in place. They were flexible in their strategy and acted locally using multiple formats.Tests also leveraged its brand loyalty to expand in other service a reas such as; flan telecommunications, and grocery delivery. This by partnering or eventually acquiring recognized and trusted brands/organizations. 2. Which success factors are or are not transferable to the US? Transitioning to the United States presented a challenge for Tests considering that t Eire major factor of international success have been the lack of strong competition in the new areas to expand.Clearly not this case, because there were around 35,000 supermarkets In t and in addition, almost every retailer from drugstores to home improvement centers sold some grocery items. There existed intense price competition as the U. S. Was over stored, according to some industry analysts, and the average U. S. Supermarket realized an operating proof t of 2% to 3% of sales, presenting a much different landscape from what Tests was transitioning g from in the U. K.Nevertheless, Tests identified an increasing consumer interest in wellness, in health conscious food choices and a contin uing trend towards on the go consumption, especially evident in California as a result of greater automobile commuting times compared to the national average. Tests hoped to avoid the headed head competition for the weekly family shopping trim with the established grocery chains, a niche it dominated in the U. K. , and rather focus s on targeting an undeserved niche in the marketplace. 3. Was Tests smart to enter the US market? In California, Arizona and Nevada?Although early analysis led decision makers to believe the US, especially the Southwest was a good market to enter actual performance leads one to think otherwise. Tests c inducted a great deal of due diligence prior to entering the US market. They analyzed trends I indicated by market research, sent senior managers to live with Californian families, and conducted d a mock store tour with 200 focus groups. By targeting an undeserved niche in the marketplace ace, Tests hoped to avoid headed head competition for the weekly fami ly shopping trip with established grocery chains.Several other factors demonstrated potential to include: o Grocery retailing in the US embraced multiple formats (in keeping with Tests strategy No national grocery retailer in the US None of the principal supermarket chains (Kroger, Safely, Supernal) commanded more than 15% of US grocery sales Market size: $600 billion Possible gap between convenience stores and supermarkets that might be filled by neighborhood markets o Increasing customer interest in wellness, in health conscious food choices, and a Tests specifically looked to the following benefits of California, Arizona and Nevada:S Grocery retailing not dominated by any one chain S Lower penetration by Wall Mart than in other US regions S CA: rapidly growing, ethnically diverse population of over 35 million, median house hold income well above national average S AZ, NV. Similarly diverse and growing rapidly Despite all of the potential benefits, Tests faced several challenges t o include: Competition (35,000 supermarkets) Almost every retailer from drugstores to home improvement centers also sold grocer y items (overstated) Intense price competition Economic downturn Low average operating profits of 23% of salesPrior attempts by British supermarket chains to expand into the US had proven nuns successful 4. What is the Fresh & Easy value proposition? Is it likely to be appealing in California, Arizona and Nevada? â€Å"C†¦ ] customers wanted great service, choice, and value† (p. 4) â€Å"offer fresh, wholesome food at affordable prices† (p. 7) â€Å"strong commitment to being a good neighbor and a great place to work† (p. ) emphasis on everyday low pricing rather than weekly specials hoped to leverage lower operating costs to deliver â€Å"honest low prices† on â€Å"fresh wholesome food† that â€Å"should be available to everyone† in a â€Å"neighborhood market† ( Employees from local community, careful ly selected to fit Deco's culture (p. 7) Nonfood items would account for only 5% of sales (p. 7) â€Å"ready to sell† approach, whereby many products sent from distribution center to store packaged, extending product freshness, protecting produce from damage, cutting down on spoilage, requiring less refrigeration, and reducing labor needed to stock shelves (p. ) Leveraging relationships with collaborators for distribution (p. 8); this centralized MO del was similar to Walter's Smaller stores = easier permitting process Taking over existing, vacant drugstores = cheaper than building from scratch New stores built from prepare materials = quicker construction, lower overhead, streamlined supply chain Energy efficient stores (30% less energy than comparable, traditional stores; some stores LED certified) Fresh & Easy emphasized everyday low pricing rather than weekly specials and hope d to on â€Å"fresh wholesome food† that â€Å"should be available to everyone† in a â€Å"neighborhood market. Fresh & Easy leveraged relationships with collaborators for distribution to create value e by minimizing costs and emphasize fresh. Their â€Å"ready to sell† approach, whereby prepare caged products went directly from distributors to local stores, promotes that it extended pro duct freshness. The prepackaging protected produce from damage, cut down on spoilage, required less refrigeration, and reduced labor needed to stock shelves. Fresh & Ease's appeal in new markets relied on various factors.California offered the rapidly growing, ethnically diverse population of over 35 million with a median house hold income well above the national average. The percentage of Caucasians had fallen to below 45 and 40% of people spoke a language other than English at home. Hispanic Americans accounted for 37% of the population, Seminarians for 12% and African Americans 6%. The populations of Arizona and Nevada were similarly diverse and growing rapidly. Ethnic ally diverse pop populations are likely to appreciate Fresh & Ease's value propositions.The emphasis on â€Å"honest 10 w prices† and a â€Å"neighborhood market†appeal to various ethnicities. However, Fresh & Easy built many stores in suburban neighborhoods. The population n in these neighborhoods tend to shop less times per week but spend more at each visit. These habits clash with the Fresh & Easy concept of daily visits to grab a quick and inexpensive vive bite. It may have been a better idea to have targeted urban cities like New York or Chicago w here the population's buying habits are more compatible with Fresh & Ease's intended target. 5.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Day of My Life

It was a fine morning, soothing breezes were moving at a sluggish pace, and clouds filled the sky like slowly dissipating smoke after a huge explosion. I was driving my car at a speed of 40 mph.This beautiful scenario had restricted my adrenaline rush and I didn’t feel like hitting the accelerator. I just wanted to make the most of this beautiful time. I turned the radio on and fortunately a soothing melody hit my ears. All these factors were quite unusual for the place where I lived. Weather here was usually quite hot and irritating.Suddenly I realized I was getting late, I had promised my parents to be at the venue in time. But it seemed like once again I was going to miss the party. This thought brought out all my childhood memories in the foreground, all the time I had spent with my parents, all the love, all the care I had enjoyed.That unconditional love is very rare in this world; I realized this fact when I moved away from my parents. Everyone, at some point or the othe r, has to take some important decisions regarding his life. I did the same. I wanted to be an independent, self-reliant person and for that I had to make the most of any opportunity that knocked my door. Unfortunately the job offer I got was for another city, almost 250 miles away from where I actually lived with my parents. So I had to move away, rather unwillingly.It started drizzling and those droplets like diamonds started to fall on the windscreen. This was quite significantly positive addition to the beauty of the current scenario. This light rain reminded me of all the time I had enjoyed in the rain with my mom and dad. They knew I loved rain so much, it made me so happy.And just for the sake of my happiness, they used to take me out to my favorite places whenever the weather was nice. I still remember the time when I was in school and my mom used to wake me up every morning. Her face was the first thing I used to see every morning, and no doubt, my days went great. My dad us ed to drop me off to school every morning. He never leaved unless I waved my hand from the edge of the main gate of the school.These memories were making me feel good and equally sad. I just couldn’t wait till the moment I saw my parents again. I accelerated the speed a little. I was only 15 miles away from home now. It breathed a new life in me, as soon as I entered the limits of the area. Everything seemed so familiar, so known and strangely fascinating. I could relate to almost everything I saw.These shops, these buildings, these parks, these malls, everything reminded me of the time I had spend here. I suddenly saw a restaurant where I used to eat every Friday with my friends and then at walking distance was the theater where we used to come for movies after dinner at that restaurant. It all reminded me of the time I had spent with my classmates and friends, the parties we used to have, the little fights we had and then the childish patch-ups. It all sounded quite funny n ow.I was driving quite slowly once again. My surroundings fascinated me to the level that is hard to be described in words. The road was quite straight with so much of green on both sides of it; I had a memory of this road. Then I realized that this was where my school had been. It had changed quite so much, it was not that green back then.I saw the building of my school which had not changed at all, the main gate, the parks, the windows; everything had some memories attributed with it. I still remember how much I loved my school, may be because of my classmates. I loved being with my friends. I remember those never ending conversations we used to have, regarding movies, music, TV shows, food, new trends in fashion and so much more. All this was playing like a distant echo in my head.I could now see the block where my house was, my destination. My heart throbbed at the thought of seeing my parents and luckily some of my friends again. What I felt at that moment was a mix of exciteme nt and gloom. Both were for the same reason, I was going to see them after a long time.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam 2 - Essay Example The car accident in which I was involved with offered me realizations that I never thought I would have and shed light on the things that I should prioritize first other than my career and goal setting. My life is always in the fast lane ever since I tried working for me to enroll in the university I wanted. I began to miss family dinners and forget important family events. Fortunately, my family understands this and tolerated me because of what I want to achieve. The realization came all of a sudden when I woke up in a soft-lit room with my mother and father all looking towards me. They smiled and sighed of relief and asked me if I were alright. I had a heavy feeling when I regained consciousness and feeling slightly dizzy. My arm was wrapped with tourniquets, and I could see that there was heavy bleeding on it before I was sent to this hospital. I was driving towards home around nine in the evening. Although the night was young and there were still people doing their business, goin g home after eight o’clock was not the usual thing for me to do. However, my job calls for it and I would be more than willing to stay late for it to get done, at least, there would be something in store for me and could help with my savings for my dream university life. The car seat was not so comfortable, as it was an old model from my father bought when he received his retirement fee. It was quite old, but I felt that I was older than the car I was driving. I was so tired and my eyes were sleepy. It has always been like that since the first day I started at work. The cars passing by were already like light bulbs racing as I see it. No matter how tired I was, I still preferred to drive since transportation allowance was not in my budget list. I remind myself all the time that I should be cautious when driving, little did I know that that caution has less to do when the body could no longer be awake. I remembered that night in February when I almost lost my life in pursuit o f a dream. While I was driving, lights flashed suddenly into my tired eyes while my hands are holding lightly the steering wheel. I was from an overtime job. The sound of which an exploding-like sound resonated in my ears, and I realized that I have just encountered an accident. I could only remember few things with the crash itself. Maybe because I was too tired to drive that I mishandled everything inside the car. I could say that my vision at that time was not already suitable for driving, but because I was already on the road and I was quite near from my home, I decided to go on. The light-headedness I felt disappeared suddenly when I realized that there was a car approaching my direction. I tried to avoid it by moving the steering wheel away to the car’s direction, but it was too late. The car also ran very fast; it seems to me that the driver was losing control of his vehicle. Soon after, the light coming from the car’s headlights became too strong which blinded me and caused me to lose my control as well. After that was a complete darkness. Me and the driver of the other vehicle were lucky enough to have survived the accident as the police said that the crash was fatal. Although he was also confined in the hospital because of serious injuries and wounds, I was happy to know that he was alright. The police said that the man driving the other car was drunk. Instead of being mad at the man, I was thankful to him somehow, because he led me to the way of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Marketing Strategy Analysis 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Strategy Analysis 2 - Assignment Example The firm’s online marketing strategy incorporates all features of online marketing, but through all the obvious techniques, it is their aggressiveness, which has stressed and widened their need to succeed and stay at the peak of the retail industry (Hayden et al., 2010). However, a hostile campaign inevitably harvests controversy, and through the years, the firm has been involved with a fair share of negative publicity mainly concerning their particular marketing technique (Bachfischer, 2012). Their bullying attitude has made many perceive them as unfair and unreasonable, but Wal-Mart still hinges at the top of the retail industry despite their negative attention. The firm’s marketing techniques comprises of overflowing the market with their presence (Hayden et al., 2010). This is startling for people who perceive Wal-Mart’s business endeavors startling. However, with such a huge quantity of retail stores, extremely competitive pricing, along with such a huge mar ket share, their marketing method has demanded an overall invasion of all the suitable markets (Bachfischer, 2012). Wal-Mart provides numerous types of products, with a fairly easy list of options (Hayden et al., 2010). The Sam’s Club of the chain store provides an alternative for those who prefer bulk, as well. And, with such a loyal customer base, the firm is capable of setting prices for what their clients pay for (Roth, 2012). If the product is below cost, then many clients can go for it. The truth is that Wal-Mart can give a firm a prime chance to get their goods to a majority of consumers even if they lose funds doing so. Their internet marketing has made them transparent in an effort to deter the controversy of their name (Bachfischer, 2012). A consumer can buy their whole collection of goods through the internet. A consumer can also go through reviews, get alternative deals for exceptional deals available only online and sign-up for a newsletter in order to be-on-the- know with the firm’s products (Hayden et al., 2010). In spite of this, such an organization depends strongly on their physical location, precisely why a store finder is situated at the peak in bright yellow (Roth, 2012). This competitive nature has made controversy thrive under their name. However, their marketing strategy has centered on quantity, as well as delivering a variety in one location (Gereffi & Christian, 2012). Their extending hands to McDonalds and the Subway for transport convenience further confirms this claim (Hayden et al., 2010). A normal shopper can get glasses prescription, their car oil changed and get a haircut under their building. A client can buy draperies on one side of the store and jewelry on the other. Shoppers can grab a new lawnmower and buy groceries, all while taking a haircut (Bachfischer, 2012). Wal-Mart’s recent union with SunTrust Bank has enhanced their presence in the Southeast. Their marketing strategy has always depended on var iety, which is how many things can a client buy in one location (Roth, 2012). Wal-Mart also uses Facebook along with other social media sites to drive their sales (Gereffi & Christian, 2012). The firm allows 22 million Facebook followers to vote on toys would like to see on temporary discounts, or on "rollbacks" (Bachfischer, 2012). The online marketing strategy of Wal-Mart provides convenience for the firm. Their internet

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Meaning of a Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Meaning of a - Research Paper Example In addition, a research paper refers to a culmination and the final product of the entire process of research that involves evaluation of sources, critical thinking, composition, and organization. A research paper is a combination of the above mention elements. Perhaps, it is essential to think of it as a living organism that grows and at the same time changes as the writer interprets, explores, and makes an evaluation of the gathered information from sources that are related to a distinct and specific topic. The main elements that contribute to a research paper are secondary and primary sources(Klein 33). Therefore, it is good to acknowledge that without a proper interpretation of the information gathered from these two types of sources, the research paper would definitely change to be another writing genre, for example, an encyclopedic article. A research writer must have good support for these sources as well as interaction since they provide a research paper’s nourishment. A research paper not only serves to further the topic which the paper covers, but also to improve the writer’s understanding and knowledge of that topic. Lastly, no matter what subject is being researched, a research paper must achieve the following specific goals. First paper must meet the assignment needs. Most instructors give students specific needs for a research paper, which include, use of references, detailing topics, and documentation procedures. A writer must ensure that he or she fully understands the assignment’s scope.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Why Has Essay

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Why Has Structural Adjustment implemented Proved so Controversial - Essay Example This has generated intense controversies on the effectiveness of the structural adjustment policies. This paper explores the controversies surrounding the effectiveness of the structural adjustments in the developing economies. Structural adjustments are measures formulated to facilitate and accelerate economic development in the targeted economies3. According Ahmed and Lipton structural adjustment polices are intended to rectify the structural imbalance in the foreign and public balances2. The policies could be initiated internally by the country concerned or external forces such the World Bank and the international monetary fund. The structural adjustments reforms endeavour to reduce and eliminate the various financial distortions, such as over valued exchange rate, huge monetary deficits and to restrict inefficient public services that hinder fair distribution of the resources in the economy of particular country1. 1I. Ahmed, and M. Lipton, â€Å"Impact of Structural Adjustment o n Sustainable Rural Livelihood: A Review of the Literature.† (1997), Accessed 14 January 2012. 2 ibid., p25 3 F. Stewart, and A. Berry. â€Å"Globalisation, Liberalization and Inequality: Real Causes.† Challenge, February 2001, 45-86. In general, the structural adjustments are intended to minimise or eliminate the balance of payments and the public sector deficits, with an objective of stimulating high economic growth. In addition, the policies aim at achieving an appropriate structural change capable of sustaining a robust economic growth and a favourable monetary environment in a particular economy3. One of the major characteristic of the structural adjustments is promoting specialization where the targeted economy is influenced to produce commodities â€Å"tradable† in the global market and reducing factors that enhance production of commodities with no or little economic value especially in the public domain4. Enhancing the flexibility and adaptability of the targeted economy to the changing global economic environment is an important objective of the structural adjustments. This reduces the effects of adverse global economic changes on the economy of a particular country 3. Structural adjustment policies comprise of measures aimed at facilitating short-term economic stability and long-term adjustments3. Short-term stabilisation measures are usually intended to the improvement of macro economic balance and overall stability. In order to attain the envisaged stability, structural adjustments enforce measures aimed at reducing the cumulative demand 3. Therefore, the major segments targeted include reduction of expenditure accrued in the public sector, increasing taxes and interests rates on loans. Usually, short-term stabilisation measures combine monetary, fiscal reforms and devaluation of currency, which deflates the actual exchange rate. These measures influence the value of commodities traded in the international market in relation to those produced and consumed in the local market 3. 3 P. Agenor, P. â€Å"Macroeconomic Adjustment and the Poor: Analytical Issues and Crosscountry Evidence â€Å"(2002). accessed 14 January 2012. 4 Ibid., p 33 Measures for ensuring short-term economic stabilisation include credit restrictions or ceilings, adjustment of exchange rate, minimising expenditures in the public sector, high tax policies and reforming the pricing of commodities3. Greenaway and Morrissey argued that the short-term nature of the stabilisation measures makes such policies to rely heavily on the managing and controlling the demand of the targeted economy. Eventually, the economy adopts a tendency of monetary absorption in the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Outsourcing Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outsourcing Functions - Essay Example Army takes active support of the capabilities of special operations forces, for the functioning of landlines of communication, and other civil programs. A whole range of missions is assigned by the National Command Authorities for the army to play its crucial role with the support from the core competencies. Thus, the core competencies relate to structuring the country’s security environment, quick action against natural or human created crisis, mobilizing the army to be a part of the action on war front, crossing the enemy physical borders by forcing entry, long term hold of foreign lands to resolve the conflicts, closing with and defeating of enemy forces through precision fires and maneuvers by using information technology to its advantage. These are the critical skills that an army must develop and nurture so that it is looked upon with great respect by the powers that matter . Other core capabilities of army include commanding and control of Joint and Multinational Forces that require inter-organization collaboration on united handling of capabilities to foster competency. Army manages and safeguards people, land and natural resources as well. It organizes sustained operations of essentials to the army that includes supply, engineer, finance, medical, and personnel units. Army supports the civil authorities in domestic and global urgencies as well. These are such functions, which the army should outsource to outside companies that have greater expertise to competently perform the related tasks. It will leave enough room for the army to pay attention to more demanding tasks for which it is formed . The Corps of Engineers is one such organization, which is a part of the army. It is in the same way facing hardships in managing

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Foundamentional Concepts in Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foundamentional Concepts in Application - Essay Example This article has helped me to recognize some of the key barriers to the provision of palliative care services. This study highlights the importance of palliative care nurses in facilitating communication between family members and patients, especially when family members disagree with end-of-life advance care planning. One of the findings of this study which was conducted on a small sample of patients in New Zealand was that, many of the participants were cared for by their spouses who were equally sick. Accessibility to services particularly in the rural setting also was also a challenge. One of the major issues identified in the study was the delay in making the decision to refer patients to palliative care by primary care physicians who felt that, â€Å"they were providing â€Å"good enough† palliative care themselves with the assistance of the district nurses and would refer families to hospice or hospital services when they felt it was appropriate† (McKechnie & Jay e, 2011, p. 413). It was interesting to note that throughout this research, the patients and their families were still identifying issues that need to be addressed despite the belief by their health professionals that they were doing their best. Threaded Discussion: Response to a classmate As required for this assignment, I have selected the article summary written by my classmate _______________(Name of my classmate) who has expressed her interest in the field of nursing informatics. Authors McGonigle and Mastrian remind us that, â€Å"the work of nurses revolves around data, knowledge, information and wisdom and that improvement in technology should ensure that the right care is given at the right time to the right patients at the lowest possible cost† (2009). In light of this profound thought, I appreciate the work of ______ (Name of my classmate) who has summarized an article on nursing informatics titled, ‘Examining the Unintended Consequences of Computerized Provi der Order Entry System Implementation’. After reviewing the summary, I feel that she has done a good job in summarizing the content of the article, highlighting the pros and cons of having a computerized provider order entry system. However, the write-up could have included information about facts that came as a surprise to her/him or reaffirms what she/he already knew or has experienced at the workplace. In light of the fact that President Obama has called for a massive effort to revamp the current health care system by incorporating standardized electronic health records in just about five years and slated more than $19 billion for health information technology, I would recommend my classmate to focus on the area of digital record keeping. The standardized electronic health records should be integrated and interoperable so as to ensure accuracy and quick access. Such a technology would benefit both the health care providers and the patients. Scholarly Databases at my Workpl ace At my workplace, I have access to the Mosby’s Nursing Consult and Lippincott’s Nursing Center. I utilize these scholarly databases frequently since it helps me to be in touch with the latest practices and findings in the field of nursing. Although one has to spend some time searching through these databases if they are looking for something specific, I believe that it is not very difficult to do so. Unlike other web search

Pharmacology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacology - Coursework Example Decline in GH levels is rapid; assessment suppression can be made at the outset to identify the patient’s responsiveness to octreotide. Patients whose GH levels return s to the baseline before the end of the dosing period, administration frequency can be further increased. Addressing some of the short comings, formulation of Somatostatin analogs extends duration of action has been developed. It is administered in a single intramuscular injection; they result in similar sustained than those of subcutaneous preparations. The GH inhibitory effects are also significantly better to patients who harbor densely granulated somatotroph. Sparsely granulated GH should be suspected in patients who prevent at an older age with a minimal elevation of non suppressible GH levels. The main adverse events are associated with the use of Somatostatin which includes transient abdominal cramps and mal absorptive diarrhea. Increases in the gall bladder sludge and stone formation, these are typically clinical significant. Long acting Somatostatin is expensive and requires a reconstruction technique before injection, compared with subcutaneous preparations. It is anticipated, newer Somatostatin receptor selective analogs will prove to be more useful and easier to administer. It is relatively recent that consensus has begun to emerge on the definition of a safe and acceptable degree of acromegaly control. Prospective examination of the impact of medical management on the rate of acromegaly associated has just started. The results of retrospective studies support the role of adjunctive medical therapy in normalizing the level of IGF-1 and mortality rates inpatient with postoperative persistent diseases (Gabriel, 2006). The work of a brochure is to explain deeply the course of certain aliments, mode of cure and how to prevent the spread. Brochures’ with bright colors tend to attract attention; they are spearheaded for marketing